Well i must say that i had one hell of a time and learned a whole bunch even though i was taught by a drunk brian on sunday morning
It was really an eye-opener of all the things that i learned. What i thought was a flat left wrist was BARELY close to it really being truly flat. A tac-tic fixed that, btw thanks again brian for letting me keep it. Also my setup wasn't "OK." I stood with too much knee flex and my hands too low and the ball too far back. So we fixed that as well.
The main things we worked on in the swing were not so much of a flat backswing, not so steep of a shoulder turn, getting rid of my reverse pivot, and incorporating some axis tilt as i had NONE. The surprising thing was that i was able to start incorporating things into my swing right away. Plus i finally am starting to take correct divots.
The coolest thing about the whole weekend is that my irons are flying higher and straighter and my driver is going farther. Plus i learned quite a few awesome short game shots.
My g/f and i went to the range last night and she wanted to see what i learned so i showed her the "old" swing and started firing away from the 160 yard pin. Hit 5 balls and couple were small fades close to the hole, one was pretty close and the other i pulled. Then i took 5 balls and used what i learned and they were all like darts right at the flag. Straight, high and holding its line even into the wind.
I had a great time and i can't wait until i have some more time/money to go see brian again.