Brian Manzella
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Face was pointed at the camera (target) and path was up to the right (as we see it). So dplane is titted (as we see it) to the left...ball slices.
You could also hit the ball "outside in" as you say but that depends on precisely your path shortly before impact and shortly after impact and would not seem to matter where in the stance you put the ball. Based on Brian's demonstration I think the ball could have been hit "inside out" or "outside in" relative to tangential swing path vector at the moment of impact.
The last ball definitely has an "inside out" path, but the face is at the camera so it goes basically that direction (at camera) initially and curves away from the path. Watch the D Plane basics video on the homepage.
Also, if not sure about face versus path influence, check out the chart on this page:
Not sure your question, but Brian was demonstrating that the ball would have 3 major different flights with the same swing depending on ball position. You are right that the resultant path is different at each impact. For any of those three impacts, the resultant (or net) path is the bottom vector of the dplane.
The way I understood it was that the third ball was too far forward and the first ball (farthest from the camera) was too far backward and the face is square to the target at impact. For the ball closest to the camera (third ball), that is equivalent to a very outside-in swing with the face laying back but square to the target (this would also put the club head more toe-up at impact). The toe-up club head would effectively point the face left of the target but it would slice right because of the left-to-right spin and go higher due to the club face laying back and adding loft.
Noobie, in general terms, the ball starts where the face is looking and curves away from the path (if the path is not the same direction as the face). I think you will need to review more of the dplane videos and writeups to start grasping that.
I would also say I think you are over-analyzing with all those inside out, tangential,and target line references. Just think moment of impact. Nothing else before or after really matters.
The toe up club head explanation makes sense to me although I would think that in a swing such as the one Brian describes (where first ball has a hook spin and the second ball has pretty much a straight ball flight), club head would be in a toe down position after the third ball. That's why I was asking about Brian's finish in which he looks like he's purposely holding the club face up.
Yeah I will review the videos when I get home tonight. I understand D plane as far as the initial direction of a ball. My questions pertain to the curvature of the ball afterwards.