D-Plane for Dummies. Working the ball.

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D-Plane for Dummies

How about this very simple primer to explain how to hit (work) various shots.

Please, everyone post to correct where I’ve gone wrong and fill in the blanks.* This is a VERY simple example, using simple numbers symbolically rather than purely accurately.* Assumptions are made and I realize how I define shot shapes may be different than how you do.* I am using simple and small numbers symbolically only, therefore, 0*, 2* and 4*.* I realize that I ignore downswing angle, dynamic loft, shaft lean distance of shot and other important, but complex and variable numbers.* I do so for the sake of simplicity.* I am also beginning from the basic example Brian started with in the D-Plane video.* (Swing “Path” = Square + Face Angle = Square = Draw) or SP 0* + FA 0* = Draw

Here it goes.* Get ready to correct me and fill in the blanks.* Right-handed…

Hitting down w/ an iron

SP 0* + FA 0* = Draw

SP 2*L + FA 0* = Straight

SP 4*L + FA 2*L = Pull Fade ?

SP x + FA x = Pull

SP 2*L + FA 2*L = Fade?

SP 0* + FA 2*R = Push?

SP 2*R + FA 2*R = Push Draw?

Hitting up w/ a driver

SP 0* + FA 2*R = Straight?

SP x + FA x = Draw

SP x + FA x = Push Draw

SP x + FA x = Push

SP x + FA x = Fade

SP x + FA x = Pull Fade

SP x + FA x = Pull

For simplicity, I’m saying straight, pull fade, push draw all end up “on target”.* Draw and Fade start on target then move away, and pull and push move immediately to side of target.
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You haven't made a driver "straight shot" like the irons. Why? Think about it.

Could you rent some time on a machine and learn it (and the increase in precision) that way?

You could also just simplify this "chart" by reorganizing to say something about the ball's initial direction, and then any curve.
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SP 0* + FA 0* = Draw

I don't understand it. Where would I start learning or fully understanding the Dplane? I'm sure this forum would be the best place to start, so any particular thread to just learn the basics of it. I started to read this and already don't understand it after the first line...


I would think that without a trackman just the knowledge in the essential D plane video would be enough to figure out the big stuff. Any other calculation seems like it might be just guesswork.
ktkn, Don't feel bad this topic isn't that easy to understand. Good start will be to click the Home Tab at the top. Video at the right is Brian's excellent explanation of the D-Plane.

SP 0* + FA 0* = Draw, because the ball is on the ground and it is assumed that the face hits it before lowpoint. Therefore the clubhead is moving from inside to outside causing draw spin on the ball. Watch the video about 3 or 4 times and it will eventually sink in. At least that's how many times it took for my thick skull.
I will fill in the other blanks when I get to a real computer.
These aren't calculations. They are imaginary numbers simply meant to show a basic relationship to each other.
So, to hit a draw, swing straight(0*) and aim straight (0*).
To hit straight, swing left(x*L), but keep face straight (0*).
To hit pull fade, swing "lefter" and aim "left".
The 2* and 4* aren't real. They are placeholders to show paths in relation to each other.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Simplest way i have been able to get people to "get" the D-Plane concept is to swing left enough to counter how much down you are hitting it. Assuming you do it perfect and you have them equaling zero than you can figure out your questions. But you have to figure in the down on all shots.
I think Particus was initially confusing Swing Path with Plane.

A 0* Horizontal Plane with 0* horizontal face and a downward vertical path will produce a draw.

A 0* Horizontal Path with 0* horizontal face and a downward vertical path will (have had a more leftward plane and) produce a straight shot .
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