D Plane Question

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Just watched the d-plane swing video.

Do I have this thinking correct ?

If your Clubface is 70 percent of the angle between swingpath and target line, it doesn't matter what angle to the target line your swing plane is, the ball will finish on target ?

I.e. You swing 10 degrees left of target, your clubface is 3 degrees left of target the ball will finish on target ?
Hi Brian,

Yes hypothetical (we have one trackman in New Zealand and it's a long way from where I live).

The 70 percent comes from the ball taking off at about 70 percent of the angle between where the clubface angle and the swing angle.

Maybe I just don't have it right in my head.

I wonder if the hall of famers knew the D-plane intuitively. Alot of them set up with closed stances for driver and longer irons and open stances for the shorter. They put this down to a more crisp shot, I wonder if it was more intuitive d-plane.
LDGolf - if you take 70% as a hypothetical, you need to realise that the ball will start, not finish, somewhere between where your swing is going and where your clubface is pointing, and somewhat closer to where your clubface is pointing.

In your example, the clubface is looking left of target and your swing is going even further left - so your ball will start left, just a bit left of where your clubface is looking.

The ball will then curve right, as your clubface is open to your path. But whether your ball finishes left, right or in line with your target depends on other factors, including spin loft.
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