D-Plane Questions and Request...

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Hi Brian,

With no aim compensation for D-plane:

I got to thinking of the 3 possible resulting shots with an iron and 3 with the driver when swinging on a plane with the line aimed at your target.
Since the Clubface is the only variable, your only chance of having the ball end up at the target is 1 out of 3 and that shot has to have the correct amount of curve!
In other words, with 2 of the shots you have a 66 2/3% chance of hitting a shot that has no possible way of ending up at the target, and your only hope
of getting close to the target (33 1/3% chance) with the remaining shot is to have the perfect amount of curve resulting from the perfect differential between the face and path.
Sounds like a hard game!

Would you mind posting the "aim calculator"?


Why start with the assumption that your plane line is fixed? Why not base your shot on face control, and then you will have much greaters odds of success? :D

For an iron....

If you can control the face, and you know you are going to have it "open" then aim your plane line a bit more left than your face will be looking for a fade to somewhere near your real target.

If you can control the face, and you know you are going to have it "closed" then aim your plane line a bit more right than your face will be looking for a draw to be somewhere near your real target.
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