D plane

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Bit of a noob on the d plane, but what would be the ball flight if there was neither a downward / upward nor inside/outside arc to the swing? I.e, if a machine ran a club straight along a track, back and forward, with the bottom of the club face level to the bottom of the ball?
Square face. Is it possible to have a square face and straight horizontal and vertical plane lines throughout the impact interval with a human being swinging the club?


New member
Instantaneously at max compression, sure. Better zero out that angle of attack if you want to hit a straight ball, however.
Bit of a noob on the d plane, but what would be the ball flight if there was neither a downward / upward nor inside/outside arc to the swing? I.e, if a machine ran a club straight along a track, back and forward, with the bottom of the club face level to the bottom of the ball?

The flight should be straight if a straight on COG/COG hit with face angle and path perfectly zero (and not gear effect). Speed and dynamic loft will determine lift and distance.
I believe I read somewhere that this scenario leads to a draw. Why, I have no idea, because you would think the ball would fly straighter than straight but as we all know, the world ain't as simple as we'd like it to be.;)
The issue is lining up the COGs which are the size of a pinpoint. Otherwise, there will be gear effect and the ball will not go straight. This stuff isn't easy and I defer to Tuxen or Brian is you want a more detailed answer.

Dariusz J.

New member
I believe I read somewhere that this scenario leads to a draw. Why, I have no idea, because you would think the ball would fly straighter than straight but as we all know, the world ain't as simple as we'd like it to be.;)

Hogan said it that a perfectly struck shot in 3-D should bring a very slight draw since clubhead moves on an arc from inside to inside. However, as CD said, I would be surprised if it isn't a dead straight shot assuming no arc (clubhead moving on a straight line targetwise) plus dead center, no gear effect present, etc.


Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
i grooved a swing with little down measured by trackman in the 0-1* range at one point with a very 0 ish path and most of my shots were very straightish with a slight fall left or right depending on where on the clubface i hit it because of the COGs not lining up.
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