David Toms Question and release

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New member
I didnt see the release video so im not sure, but i think David's body rotation and release is about as good as Ive ever seen. I love how he keeps his pivot moving, body is open at impact, and the way the club swings left postimpact.
It appears to be a cast but really it isn't. The angle between the left wrist and shaft does open a bit but with a more circular handpath (rather than straight line at the ball) and a down arching of the left wrist with great body rotation...if you look at the face on view you see that moving into the final parallel before impact there is still a huge angle (>90 degrees) between the RIGHT wrist and the shaft which is the one that seems to correlate with good ballstriking, not the angle between left wrist and shaft. So there is lag where you commonly see it in great ballstrikers despite what happens to the left wrist in transition.
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