Diagnosing Swinging Right

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With all the talk ,about seeing a lot of players swinging too much right, I wonder how the teacher diagnoses this fault?

Do you just see it with your eyes or does the ball do something to tell you,"Hey he's swinging too much right".If you see it,is it more in the backswing or all in the follow through? Too much axis tilt ?

Inquiring coconuts want to know.
I imagine that if a teacher could see it, ballflight would be the number one indication. After all, one can swing to the right (a little bit) and be okay; it's only when one swings too far to the right that the trouble starts (one starts to lose control over the ball).

After that, I'd say your axis tilt comment is probably pretty close. Without seeing ballflight, I'd imagine that the right shoulder would have a good bit of importance in the diagnosis. I'm not a teacher though; it'd be great to see what Jim or Brian has to say.
Since I do this, one visual is divots pointing right...sometimes if the timing of the resulting flip is off, the ball will go left and the divots way right, if you can't see it in the swing.
I've noticed lately that when watching golf on TV.....

.....the biggest indicator besides fat/thin (which you don't see these guys do too often anyway) to whether the pro has just hit a good shot or bad is their plane line.

(usually too far to the right)


And ya wedgeplay.......visuals and ballflight will tell you.


Tiger's bad driver shots are probably a perfect example. (wonky finish and all) Sometimes it's not as easy to tell though. (as some of his flailing driver swings and off-balanced shots)

You will just learn to see the path of the clubhead and hands. From a down the line view they will go too much to the right of target and then will cross the body higher than they should. (depends on the plane angle too tho as per Brian's "Perfy" example)

From face-on you can sometimes see an "out-of-synch" (body in relation to armswing) downswing.....sometimes with a flip.....carrying all the way through to a wonky-looking finish. See some of Tiger's driver shots.


If the clubface at separation is closed to the too inside-out plane line it is drawing/hooking. (i.e. shot has lots of CURVE to the left)

If the clubface at separation is open to the too inside-out plane line and it is gonna be a push or push-fade. (depends on HOW open the face is to the path) Going back to visuals, sometimes you can tell what the clubface is doing by whether they flip it or not.


Hope that helps.
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Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
How would ball flight tell you if you are swinging too far right? Just curious. I used to flip on line all the time. I would use ball flight last to determine that.
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Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
How would ball flight tell you if you are swinging too far right? Just curious. I used to flip on line all the time. I would use ball flight last to determine that.

Ball flight can definately help and is more of an "indicator" of sorts. Even if you area flip drawer, it's pretty hard to hit a "flip hook" swinging on plane, most people still do swing a bit too far right
Tiger's bad driver shots are probably a perfect example. (wonky finish and all) Sometimes it's not as easy to tell though. (as some of his flailing driver swings and off-balanced shots)


If the clubface at separation is closed to the too inside-out plane line it is drawing/hooking. (i.e. shot has lots of CURVE to the left)

If the clubface at separation is open to the too inside-out plane line and it is gonna be a push or push-fade. (depends on HOW open the face is to the path) Going back to visuals, sometimes you can tell what the clubface is doing by whether they flip it or not.


Hope that helps.[/QUOTE]

Wonky must be some kind of Canadian word.LOL

I really l like your post especially the part on separation and high finish.
Don't really hear that much talk about the difference of a low finish or high finish in the golf swing.
Wonky must be some kind of Canadian word.LOL

I really l like your post especially the part on separation and high finish.
Don't really hear that much talk about the difference of a low finish or high finish in the golf swing.

Wonky. Heh............well I guess it is, eh. ;)

Ya it was just some things I have noticed of late since I've been paying more attention to plane line and swinging left enough.

Brian or someone could probably give more/better.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator

Of all the lessons you have given is this all you got to say?

Well, ya lol. I see them hit shots and i tell tell pretty much right away if they are swinging too far right or too far left; at least initially.

Then after some more watching and teaching i find out which way THEY will tend to hit the ball better. You can't get everyone to swing perfectly on plane and you willl need to skew them towards the left or towards the right depending on what fits them better and the ball flight they want.
I do not agree in this context. Examples: you could swing right and have a bent left wrist or flip. You could also block with an open clubface. You could angle hinge etc. etc.

The ball flight will tell you what the club is doing through impact. A "block" by common definition (straight push) is still from a plane line going too far right.
Well, ya lol. I see them hit shots and i tell tell pretty much right away if they are swinging too far right or too far left; at least initially.

Then after some more watching and teaching i find out which way THEY will tend to hit the ball better. You can't get everyone to swing perfectly on plane and you willl need to skew them towards the left or towards the right depending on what fits them better and the ball flight they want.

Better! LOL

Now seriously if swinging too much right do you go to automatically hitting drivers off the deck? Or are there other things to work on?

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Better! LOL

Now seriously if swinging too much right do you go to automatically hitting drivers off the deck? Or are there other things to work on?

It really depends, everyone's different. There are a lot of drills, but i usually those people will get the "Never Hook Again" type treatment with possible variations.
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