I don't watch the show, I find the guy annoying for some reason. It should be Brian on the show, then I'd watch it.
I don't watch the show, I find the guy annoying for some reason.
That dude's voice is so nasal and grating, I can barely tolerate it long enough to decipher what he's actually saying. I can't imagine watching the entire show without muting the volume.
i wonder what you can get out of the mornign session w DL tho. Probably something like, you will get worse before you get better.i enjoy watching the show......i think he brings a lot to the table......he teaches at SUNNINGDALE.CC.....in new york
and from what i understand flies down each week to do the show......Jen as far as his explanation on Tiger spine angle.....its what he sees,and how he could make it better...
per hour lesson prices do not to me make the teacher good or bad....but for knowledge i will say Michael Breed
is paid 500 dollars an hour.......or 5000 for an outing.
like i said doesnt make him a good or bad teacher....
i think Leadbetter is about 3500 for a morning session
and then there is a guy at a local driving range who charges 65 an hour and can out teach all of sarasota.
in conclusion money is by no means the deciding factor on who can and cannot teach. Haney, Leadbetter, Harmon
Its a name game......perception is sometimes truth.
.Brian is a much better value....
i wonder what you can get out of the mornign session w DL tho. Probably something like, you will get worse before you get better.
He did tell a guy later on in the show that had a problem fanning the club open on the takeaway to use a twistaway (not his words) to solve his open club face problem.
I don't watch the show, I find the guy annoying for some reason. It should be Brian on the show, then I'd watch it.