Did Jamie Sadlowski model his swing after...

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...MacDonald Smith? You decide!

MacDonald Smith was a player in the "hickory" era who was universally praised for his swing and ballstriking. Lore has it that his was one of Hogan's favorite swings and, indeed, Hogan/Herbert Warren Wind praise it in the concluding sentence of "Five Lessons":

"It may just happen that the 'style' you evolve will instantly recall Harry Cooper or Mac Smith to your golfing friends, and that wouldn't be such a bad thing at all."

Much to my surprise, I found a MacDonald Smith swing sequence on youtube posted by our friend Dariuz. I have matched it up with Jamie Sadlowski's incredibly efficient self-taught swing. Even the grip is the same! The human anatomy hasn't changed since Smith's playing days, so why should elite golf swings be any different? So much for "modern instruction".








I wonder why Sadlowski's left foot is angled inward so much.

Noticed that too. He's a hockey player so it could be just how he is used to "setting" before he swings.

What I think is REALLY interesting is what the front foot does at impact in both swings. Jamie's is floating and rotating:




Bubba does the same thing. So much for "quiet feet" and "dig in your toes".
Don't golf swings all look kinda alike? :)

Concur the 2 sets are very similar. Good find and correlation.

Just want to bring attention to the second last row, where both have the left arm down obliquely across the body. Now look at where their belt buckle is facing...
Don't golf swings all look kinda alike? :)

Concur the 2 sets are very similar. Good find and correlation.

Just want to bring attention to the second last row, where both have the left arm down obliquely across the body. Now look at where their belt buckle is facing...

At the ball. Parallax.


Really good 300fps view of Jamie:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/gkmymyrJtz8?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
My wildest suspicion (consider my level of ignorance and pics qualities) is that jamie's hip release DOES not outrace his arms, RELATIVELY to the other gent. My older one tends to have hip move like the latter, thus leaking power.

The other point I would like to reiterate is a point I have previously made in another thread: there is so much going into building a swing like that. To capture moments of their movements does not tell the story.

Here is Jamie talking about his behind the scene workout (couple videos): MyTPI's Channel - YouTube
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Noticed that too. He's a hockey player so it could be just how he is used to "setting" before he swings.

What I think is REALLY interesting is what the front foot does at impact in both swings. Jamie's is floating and rotating:

Sadlowski plays hockey left handed interestingly enough.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Just saw that in the TPI video. There goes that theory...

No it doesn't, i'm a natural left hander who golfs righty and played all other sports including hockey lefty. Only reason i play golf righty is because i switched hit in baseball and felt more comfortable on the right side for some reason.

The golf swing feels like a slap shot on a less steep plane.
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