Since my shoulder surgery last October, all my divots start straight at the target and curve off significantly to the left kind of in a crescent moon shape. Can someone fill me in on what might be causing it?
Your divots would indicate that you are not staying with the ball and are pulling out of the shot just after impact maybe a subconscious move to protect your shoulder. In an ideal world the clubhead is travelling on plane coming into impact going towards the low point bellow the lead shoulder. This means the club is going downwards forwards and slightly outwards and only comes up and slightly left again on plane after reaching the low point. The big curve off left of your divot indicates flipping . I doubt that you are maintaining your impact hands condition at this point and the lead wrist has started to break down. You want to keep your flat lead wrist and bent back right wrist to the point where you have run out of extensor action and both arms are straight.quote:Originally posted by dorndiggity
Since my shoulder surgery last October, all my divots start straight at the target and curve off significantly to the left. Can someone fill me in on what might be causing it?
How did you get on? A better understanding of aiming point should help improve your divot pattern.quote:Originally posted by dorndiggity
Thanks guys, I'm off to the range!