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I have been using the Ben Doyle video and have just read Hebron's serets and lies book--- I'm trying to train my hands, and not without some success, but I'm not taking divots! I feel good compression, and I have improved distance, and have started to find the inside aft of the ball... where are the divots? I realize this is something I could be shown and pick up soon enough, but it's mysterious to me. I mean, if I wanted to I could stab the club in the ground, but that doesn't seem right. Suggestion? Help? Right path?

Brian Manzella

Remember you should never really "TRY" to take divots...it SHOULD just happen.........but...

Hit some balls out of divots.

Get closer to the ball.

Straighten your right arm.

Uncock your left wrist.


Try 'em and give me the report!
Gregg McHatton told me that you should hit the ball fat or perfect but never thin...;)

...try aiming your hands farther forward, off your left thigh (around there)...

Brian Manzella

ragman...you are right (in a perfect world) I am maybe the BIGGEST divot taker and teacher there is (maybe except for BEN).

REDAN....practice in a bunker like BEN says on his tape.
I agree with Brian, bunker practice is invaluable for learning.

I just took my first lesson with Ben Doyle on Friday and we probably spent about 20 to 25 minutes in the bunker reviewing the procedures for chip, punch, pitch and full swing.

My granddaugter has expressed interest in golf and it occurred to me learning the preshot routine in the bunker might be a good place to start. Making a line in the sand will be a good reference for soling the club and placing the feet in the proper position.


It's the strangest thing-- Saturday I broke 90 for the first time in 13 years (I didn't play for ten, and have been back at it for about 2 years). Shot an 88. Monday (yesterday) I shot 81 on a different course. I still have lots of tempo and vision issues (I feel like I get bored sometimes and forget to watch the ball![:I]:D) but I began to hit some good shots, and the divots were more consistently there. It was such a big drop in my scores that it almost scared me, going from 94-99 to 88-81 in one week... practicing in the bunker was good, a tiny bit closer to the ball worked, and moving the driver alignment to a smidge left of the big toe has brought amazing results. I suspect I'll have some relapses here and there, these damn hands that Ben Doyle calls sheep dogs are better trained, but more like rebel angels now than sheepdogs. Thanks so much! I'll have more questions, but for now I probably need to consolidate my gains....

Brian Manzella


Keep aiming those hands redan.

Swinging two clubs at the same time (one in your right, say an 8iron and one in your left, say a 6) and try to keep the clubs about 6 inches apart in a slow motion swing.
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