Does FATS/Torque = distance loss?

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Now that I'm trying to not swing so right I need to start closing the face. I've been using the "drag the wet finger" in my swing now with good success/nice divots. My only question is if there's a loss of distance with the increased torque I'm feeling with this "move"? Thanks


Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Now that I'm trying to not swing so right I need to start closing the face. I've been using the "drag the wet finger" in my swing now with good success/nice divots. My only question is if there's a loss of distance with the increased torque I'm feeling with this "move"? Thanks


you swung so inside/out and delofted the irons so much you may be losing some distance from simply adding some loft back to the club but i doubt you've lost "swing speed."

Hope that makes sense.
Thanks Jim, I have not noticed any difference, I was just curious. I just remember in the Soft Draw video Brian talks about the "ideal" way to swing the club. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like I'm applying force right away now. Either way I'm sure it's the best thing for me right now. Thanks again, I'll give you a call one of these nights.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Thanks Jim, I have not noticed any difference, I was just curious. I just remember in the Soft Draw video Brian talks about the "ideal" way to swing the club. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like I'm applying force right away now. Either way I'm sure it's the best thing for me right now. Thanks again, I'll give you a call one of these nights.

I have decided on this little experiement. With a driver or iron get on a some sort of swing speed monitory whether it's trackman, or swing speed radar. The speed is irrevelant imo the thing is if it changes.

Take 10 or so swings full power (to you) W/O adding any CONSCIOUS right arm power and record the average swing speed for that club you used. Then repeat WITH consicous right arm power and record the average swing speed for that club used.

If the average of the conscious effort of right arm power application indeed makes a noticable difference in swing speed (i'd guess 3 or more) you know that you have some power in that right arm and could use it all the time or maybe in just "needed" situations. But in my case, maybe it doesn't add anything and when i go all out i'm just going all out LOL.
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