Hey everyone just had a quick question on the hands at setup. I've read Brian's setup article and watched Building blocks before and I always wondered about something.
My question is for a right-hander, what is your left wrist position at setup? Sometimes I try to setup with the left wrist completely uncocked not neutral, i.e. it is actually cocked to the LEFT. I do my backswing fully cocking my left wrist, then when I hit the ball I assume it fully uncocks to my address position because of gravity/CF whatever release is. I'm not sure if this is correct but it seems to make sense (in my head at least). But this makes the shaft rather parallel to left arm, and setting up in accordance to Brian's article or building blocks seems impossible to get the shaft horizontal to the ground waist-high unless you have your wrist neutralish. Wouldn't you want to setup with the left wrist fully uncocked to see how the club impacts the turf? Or this stuff doesn't really matter?
(HIGH HANDS HIGH HANDS) The left wrist uncocks during the downswing.
The shaft bows down during the downswing.
The left shoulder is MUCH farther from the ball at impact.
That's why you should set up LMOTPITHOF.
There was a thread going about cocking the left wrist at setup.
but here..
Brian says you should cock your wrist at setup?
You are ZEROing out your #3 Accumulator angle, which—in english—makes clubface control MUCH easier.
You'll lose some distance though.
If it is working, keep at it!
So which one is correct? or am I missing some pointers here?
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