Does Hogan have a closed stance with every club?

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This is the only way I can be able to look like him at the top using a normal takeaway (to the inside of course though). Otherwise (from a more normal stance) it feels very awkward and unnatural and the only way to get like Hogan at the top really is to swivel all the way to the top (lots of forearm roll). The hip just gets in the way...


quote:Originally posted by birdie_man



This is the only way I can be able to look like him at the top using a normal takeaway (to the inside of course though). Otherwise (from a more normal stance) it feels very awkward and unnatural and the only way to get like Hogan at the top really is to swivel all the way to the top (lots of forearm roll). The hip just gets in the way...

In addition to Hogan, Snead was closed at address, as was Mickey Wright and George Knudson...that tells you something.
quote:Originally posted by jim_0068

hmm...thats interesting. Snead played from a closed stance and still played that pull-draw huh?


Ya...I can't figure that one out really. Must come over the top a bit.

So, did Hogan always play from that closed stance? Or did he open it for shorter clubs?

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
quote:Originally posted by birdie_man

Ya...I can't figure that one out really. Must come over the top a bit.

Snead did have a small OTT move...but playing from a closed stance usually helps negate that, so i'm guessing he had a pretty bad OTT move from a normal stance.

Just goes to show it isn't necessarily something that is "correct" but something that is "repeatable"

Brian Manzella

Best golf I ever played:

Closed stance with a open-to-the stance plane line.

I even chipped with a closed stance.

Avg score during the best 12 months of this 'incarnation'......71.2


quote:Originally posted by birdie_man



This is the only way I can be able to look like him at the top using a normal takeaway (to the inside of course though). Otherwise (from a more normal stance) it feels very awkward and unnatural and the only way to get like Hogan at the top really is to swivel all the way to the top (lots of forearm roll). The hip just gets in the way...
Hogan closed his stance with the driver,square with the mid irons and open with the short.His reasoning is that the shorter the iron,the shorter the swing arc therefore you have less time to get the hips out of the way.By opening your stance,you get the left hip out of the way before you even begin your stroke.Must try it one day.


quote:Originally posted by brianman

Best golf I ever played:

Closed stance with a open-to-the stance plane line.

I even chipped with a closed stance.

Avg score during the best 12 months of this 'incarnation'......71.2

You'll hate this, but what you described is Jim Hardy's recommended stance for a "one-plane" swing.

Stan Utley teaches a square stance (and square blade at address) for all short shots (pitches, lobs, chips, putts).


quote:Originally posted by mcflog

Knudson played from a closed stance cause his right leg was shorter than his left.

You know, I read the same thing (I think it is in Kundson's The Natural Golf Swing), yet I can't figure out why pulling the right foot back would be helpful with a short right leg; that would seem to me to effectively make his right leg even shorter.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
quote:Originally posted by brianman

Best golf I ever played:

Closed stance with a open-to-the stance plane line.

I even chipped with a closed stance.

Avg score during the best 12 months of this 'incarnation'......71.2

Is this when you told me:

Square your stance....then close your stance. Then pull your left foot back? Is that what you mean here?


FWIW, Saturday I watched again the Hogan video "In Pursuit of Perfection" and, although it was a little difficult for me to pick out his target line on the DTL sequences, Hogan seemed pretty square through the bag, perhaps a touch open on the shortest iron, a touch closed with the longer clubs. Only with the driver did he set up with his feet in a distinctly closed stance.
quote:Originally posted by jim_0068

quote:Originally posted by brianman

Best golf I ever played:

Closed stance with a open-to-the stance plane line.

I even chipped with a closed stance.

Avg score during the best 12 months of this 'incarnation'......71.2

Is this when you told me:

Square your stance....then close your stance. Then pull your left foot back? Is that what you mean here?

I am totally lost, what I learnt is for shorter iron 9 - SW, if we are having a open stance, it will encourage a better impact, easier to achieve the flat left wrist.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
He told me when i saw him, square your entire stance.

Then close your entire stance = hips, shoulders, aim, feet.


Without doing anything else, just pull the left foot back a wee bit. Take your swing. Seemed to get better contact and flight from a pretty deep faced 3-wood
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