Does the reverse see, ala Rory Sabatini, translate to lots of axis tilt?
Archie Swivel
Archie Swivel
A reverse C cannot be considered a fault since a plethora of good golfers from the past have been caught in that infamous position. We hear about the guys that wrecked their backs, but that has to the exception rather than a rule. I bet it is a positon for the young or languid..
A reverse C cannot be considered a fault since a plethora of good golfers from the past have been caught in that infamous position. We hear about the guys that wrecked their backs, but that has to the exception rather than a rule. I bet it is a positon for the young or languid..
Briefly ...The reverse "C" is a direct effect of the clubhead going too far towards the target in the backswing with a weak lower body constitution. If only you guys would look, look, look you would realize and see. Sheesh!