Does Reverse C = Axis tilt

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Brian Manzella

Reverse C vs. Axis Tilt

Here goes...


Axis Tilt: The Tailbone being closer to the target than the base of the neck. Also, the "center of gravity" being closer to the target than the "center of rotation."

Reverse "C": A convex back position created when a golfer with axis tilt—and often "knee drive," arches their back becasue the kept their head back far longer than normal.

Is the Reverse C a bad thing? Does that finish position necessarily mean you were in some good positions in arriving there?

Is the Reverse C condusive to any particular ball shape? e.g., push draws or pull fades.

When I do it, I come way too under plane and hit big pushes or dying quail hooks.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
it tends to mean you didn't weight shift properly and "hung back." This also "usually" means you swung too far to the right as well.
A reverse C cannot be considered a fault since a plethora of good golfers from the past have been caught in that infamous position. We hear about the guys that wrecked their backs, but that has to the exception rather than a rule. I bet it is a positon for the young or languid..

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
A reverse C cannot be considered a fault since a plethora of good golfers from the past have been caught in that infamous position. We hear about the guys that wrecked their backs, but that has to the exception rather than a rule. I bet it is a positon for the young or languid..

A reverse C wasn't a good position. There is a difference between looking like the "PGA Tour Logo" where you have kept some tilt to the right AND a reverse C.

A reverse C cannot be considered a fault since a plethora of good golfers from the past have been caught in that infamous position. We hear about the guys that wrecked their backs, but that has to the exception rather than a rule. I bet it is a positon for the young or languid..

You can alleviate the stress on your back by making sure you do a toe-drag (right foot) on the follow through...It allows your hips to square more easily and match with your spine angle to de-stress your lower back...
The reverse "C" is a direct effect of the clubhead going too far towards the target in the backswing with a weak lower body constitution. If only you guys would look, look, look you would realize and see. Sheesh!

The reverse "C" is a direct effect of the clubhead going too far towards the target in the backswing with a weak lower body constitution. If only you guys would look, look, look you would realize and see. Sheesh!
Briefly ...:D

You don't have to reverse pivot to get a reverse "C" on your follow through....
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