Okay...So I've been working to perfect my pivot for about a month now..I think I have ingrained a very solid pivot(step on right foot,rotate around my shirtag,whatever..) So I started working with how the arms work in the backswing and I have noticed some interesting feels for me..let me try to explain. I am trying to develop a Soft Draw Pattern...or something very similar,something very orthodox,as Brian would say. I'm playing around with using the right arm to lift the club to the top versus the left arm lifting it to the top. I should tell you I am right handed and swing from the right side..okay. When I go to the top using my dominant hand(right) I feel that my right sholuder has a little bit of tension in it as it goes up a little, its like if I were sitting and did a shoulder shrug with only the right shoulder. If I use my left hand to guide the club and think about relaxing my shoulders the right shoulder shrug doesn't happen. I have a couple questions regarding this.1. Does this even matter,is the tension expected..am I just being too anal?
2. If it does matter..will the "shrug" effect Downswing plane...what does this effect if anything???etc.
Thanks for your time.
2. If it does matter..will the "shrug" effect Downswing plane...what does this effect if anything???etc.
Thanks for your time.