Dont understand

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Sup guys i played with this guy who i usually play with every Sunday .

Anyways on the 12th hole i hit my usual 220 high slice with the driver and he tells me my club face was closed when i setup . So i drop another ball and square the club face with what he says is square and hit it 250 down the middle .

I don't understand how i didn't slice it even more since my clubface was square at setup now.
I mean shouldn't the clubface be coming in even more open since its square at setup now and i usually have it closed at setup?

lol weird game this is :confused:
It wouldn't make sense in a "all-else being equal" kind of world. In the real world, a change in the setup can encourage a human to make a different swing move. Maybe a more open face at setup encouraged you to release the club differently. Or maybe, whatever you did to open up the clubface at setup put other parts of your body in a different position.

Weird game indeed...

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
slicers slice because they can't control the face; they find a way to open the face at almost all points in the swing and rarely ever learn how to close it. Maybe this setup changed helped you open it less throughout the swing and thus you hit it further
slicers slice because they can't control the face; they find a way to open the face at almost all points in the swing and rarely ever learn how to close it. Maybe this setup changed helped you open it less throughout the swing and thus you hit it further



slicers slice because they can't control the face; they find a way to open the face at almost all points in the swing and rarely ever learn how to close it. Maybe this setup changed helped you open it less throughout the swing and thus you hit it further

Just what the Doctor ordered!

My first meaningful anti-slicing lesson consisted of setting up with the Driver face as open as I could make it.

Couldn't open it any more on the back swing and sure as heck soon learned how to close it coming down.
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