Down and out

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When one says the clubhead goes down and out and not forward, where exactly is the out!

I presume the down is obvious enough...




it goes down and out and forward because you haven't hit the lowest point of the circle which is under your shoulder....

You must never bend that plane line (the base of the plane)... therefore the impact requirements are dictated by that geometry of the circle - there is a great photo on Lynns site which shows this concept....

Outward is the direction in which your feet are pointing - the Z axis ....
The 'out' is downplane. If the plane was vertical there would only be back and up. Since the plane is angled, we must also move the club inward/outward. The out is exactly that...out away from us. Homer said this was the HARDEST thing in golf to learn to do. Executing the stroke on a horizontal plane is very simple and everyone could be a Tour player. Tilting the plane is what makes it complicated. Lynn showed me a picture of Ted Williams hitting baseballs and it had his batting average for all pitch locations. Hit average went down quickly as the pitches moved low and outside because he was forced to swing on an angled plane.
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