Down, out forward

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Down and out till your club bottoms out (bottom of divot).........

Up and in after it bottoms out.

In other words..........trace a straight plane line through the ball.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Down to the ground, out to the ball, forward to the target. But as Brian says "Just worry about the down and out, and you'll go forward whether you like it or not.":D
Sounds simple enough.
Down: To what?
Out: To where
Forward:to what/where?

Down, Out and Forward are just the 3 dimensions of the orbiting clubhead. eg height, width, back to front. You are taking all 3 all the way to Low Point not just to the ball. The down in the most important dimension and as Homer says ' if you don't think you went down assume that you didn't'. As the guys said if you keep the shaft on the pre-determined plane that you have chosen and get your right shoulder to trace a straight plane line the 3 dimensions will be 'pretty much' taken care of - or you can just learn to satisfy the 3 imperatives :D

Brian Manzella

Not so simple.

Sounds simple enough.
Down: To what?
Out: To where
Forward:to what/where?

Down to LOW POINT.

No brainer.​


Just as easy.​

Forward to....

Not so simple.​

The club continues FORWARD until it starts moving backward, so since the backward has to do with RE-COCKING, when and if the LEFT WRIST BENDS, and how fast the RIGHT ARM swing across the chest, when you "release" you AXIS TILT....etc.

And remember, a STRAIGHT PLANE LINE and a SQUARE FACE at separation, might give you a big ole hook.

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