Downswing blackout....

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You lost consiousness of what happen during the swing. Normally downswing.

Next answer. It can be prevented with a Waggle.
I personally adopted that term for what occurs after TAKEAWAY begins, which I heard from a pupil who simply told me he felt like it WAS a blackout from that point on. He nailed it.

I call it that because the "mode of thinking" changes at that point before which everything was pretty much managed by cogntive process, planning, choosing, making a deliberate action here and there: but once the forward press puts your body off balance to where your recovery is instinctive and athletic or neuro-muscular in reaction instead (falling back onto your right side--walking) THAT is the instant in which you go into the same kind of automaticity that you assume when driving your car. You steer it, but you don't think of turning your wrist, lifting your foot, putting your hands here or there on the steering wheel, etc. The entire swing from that point on is "steering from afar" or as someone else said, "with soft eyes."
sorry my answer is probably too short.

During the execution of the swing, you lost the intend and feel of the swing. Like what had i done? what did i do just now to get a result like this? thus how the term "blackout" was created.

By using a waggle, you can preset your flat left wrist, your aiming point. Get a feel of your pivot before you take the actual swing. A last minute programing. Another way is to think about tracing the plane line or monitor a pressure point.
Thanks for clarification....

Justloveit said:
sorry my answer is probably too short.

During the execution of the swing, you lost the intend and feel of the swing. Like what had i done? what did i do just now to get a result like this? thus how the term "blackout" was created.

By using a waggle, you can preset your flat left wrist, your aiming point. Get a feel of your pivot before you take the actual swing. A last minute programing. Another way is to think about tracing the plane line or monitor a pressure point.

The reason I asked this question to begin with.....once I get to the top...other than FLW, I don't have any other thoughts. I think I suffer from DSBO. I'm trying to learn whether I should have a thought or special feel approaching the top of the backswing to govern the downswing....or should I just let if fly????
30yrlayoff said:
The reason I asked this question to begin with.....once I get to the top...other than FLW, I don't have any other thoughts. I think I suffer from DSBO. I'm trying to learn whether I should have a thought or special feel approaching the top of the backswing to govern the downswing....or should I just let if fly????

Not only can DSBO come from the psychological side but also from the physical. George rightly mentioned balance.

Taking it a bit further, notice when swinging a stone or something at the end of a string. When everything is moving nicely you don't even have to look at it. But, the moment things go slack and break down the stone is no longer being moved away from the center and we lose control over it and become attentive to where it is.

If the clubhead begins moving toward the center or out of orbit instinct tells us to get out of the way or block it somehow. It is then that our attention strays and begins the blinking process.

Does this make some sense?

I don't know what you do when swinging so it is tough to attempt a good answer for your downswing swing thought you mentioned. Got a video we can look at?
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