A recent video analysis identified a right heel that is almost certainly lifting prematurely...a straightening of the right knee was also evident alongside of a loss of spine angle...my impact position could be described as near vertical - straight legs and straight back.
Can somebody help me understand the antecedents/causes to these issues? Presumably I do this to because a hit the ball better when i do these things*...how do i take away the incentive* to lift my right heel, straighten my right leg and straighten my spine?
Let me take a shot at this interesting "reflex" action that plagues you. Arturo and Dariusz might also want to kick in some advice since both are "golf body" gurus.
It's all about your Center of Gravity, or more exactly, your Center of Mass (CofM) and how you attempt to control it in your downswing.
Your CofM is located near your navel and inside your body when standing erect. You are in balance statically.
When you crouch over at address, your CofM moves outward because you've redistributed your body mass. The vertical projection of your CofM will always fall somewhere between your foot base to the ground.
When you start your golfswing, your various body segments move around through twisting and shifting and even swinging your arms and club... and your CofM is in dynamic flux... it's moving back and forth and side to side as you go through your swing motion. Your CofM can even go outside your feet area, and then you are in a state of momentary imbalance, or dynamic balance. You normally will recover to return to a reasonable state of balance and complete your swing, one way or another. If you lose your balance, you will stumble in some direction to recover.
However, if you go vertical in your downswing, you are bringing your CofM back inside your body, rather than maintaining the dynamic balance into your followthru and then go vertical in your finish position. What you are doing is bailing out early by standing up because you are uncertain about your dynamic balance that must continue into your followthru.
You're chickening out... because your balance mechanism within your ears thinks you will fall if you don't straighten up and shift your body CofM safely behind your navel... believe it...!!!
Let me give you another example of this chickening out reflex that forces you to straighten up at the wrong time with disastrous results. Novice (snow) skiers will stand up straight if they know they are going to fall down... because their balance mechanisms and brain tell them they must bring their CofM back inside their body to hold off falling... and then they topple disastrously!!! What you must do when you are falling, is to control your fall by bringing your knees up and curling up to concentrate your CofM when you do hit the ground... and then you try to fall on to your back. Instinct tells you to straighten up, while experience lets you crouch down to control your new CofM and mitigate the fall.
Same thing in golf, starting in a semi-crouched address position, holding that alignment while twisting your body back, and then reversing the rotation in the downswing... while keeping your CofM over your foot base even if it means letting your CofM migrate slightly outside your body... and only bringing it back inside in your finish rotation.
Can you maintain your crouched golfswing posture throughout when you are swinging freely without a ball? Does the unconscious fearful thought of ball impact cause you to prematurely stand up because you fear a loss of balance? Or is there some other cause to your mystery vertical erection reflex just prior to impact....
(p.s. Geoff... if you have a pot belly, that means you are carrying extra mass, and if you fling it around in the downswing, your brain will automatically force you to straighten up, not only to maintain balance but also save your spinal cord from injury.)