Drag the Handle, Part 2: NHA Style

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So it seems I drag the handle a lot when I use NHA. For some reason I have a "hunch" that it's not such a bad thing with NHA as it would be with SD. Am I even close to being right? If so, how can I work on not lagging the hosel/shanking/etc. with NHA? Muchas gracias!


Brian Manzella

So it seems I drag the handle a lot when I use NHA. For some reason I have a "hunch" that it's not such a bad thing with NHA as it would be with SD. Am I even close to being right?

Believe it or not, there is VERY LITTLE IF ANY handle drag in NHA2. Never Slice Again 2 has some.

The key to NHA2's through the ball motion is the drop. Or the shake (remember, you shake if you can not drop).

If that motion is used, it is NOT force across the shaft.

A handle dragger would get the club face TOO OPEN in NHA2.

If so, how can I work on not lagging the hosel/shanking/etc. with NHA?

By using a little more Soft Draw type backswing.
PS I think I drag the handle because of all the "hit down, shaft leaning forward, turn a 6 iron into a 3 iron" talk that used to float around.
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