Driver, Fade, D-Plane

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I thought I read in another thread that you hit up on the driver and to do this you swing a little to the right. I'm having a hard time figuring out swinging up and to the right to hit a fade. The only thing I can think of is to aim way left and hit a push fade. Any help? Thanks
You swing to the right to allow for the path created by upward hit not to create the up.
If your horizontal plane is straight and you hit up your path will be left of your aim, to tilt the spin axis/d-plane to the right from here you just need the face angle slightly open to your path.
e.g - Horizontal Plane = 0º
Attack angle = 5º
Club Path = -5º

Then for a fade that finishes bang on target a face angle of -2º
Jaridyard is stating that the face is 3 degrees open to the actual path (5 degrees left) and the face is 2 degrees LEFT of target. This shot will start slightly left of target due to face orientation and then Fade back toward the target due to the differential between face and path (3 degrees).


Jaridyard is stating that the face is 3 degrees open to the actual path (5 degrees left) and the face is 2 degrees LEFT of target. This shot will start slightly left of target due to face orientation and then Fade back toward the target due to the differential between face and path (3 degrees).

ty, pro... :)
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