Years ago I attended a week long course in Problem Solving (Kepner-Tregoe )as I recall. This was without a doubt the most stressful brain workout I have ever encountered. One of the underlying fundamentals was that first you have to understand the problem. The method, of course, relied on written problem description. Trust me, the description of a problem is a very, very tough thing to pull off. These were management problems. The description of a golf swing problem would have been a show stopper due to the complexity. If the description is incorrect or incomplete, then there is a high chance solution will be wrong. Once you understand the problem you have to write it down. This introduces even more potential for error.
This is exactly the problem with many of these threads. A problem is posted with a normally brief description. Like this one. Then you get all kinds of remedies, like just move the ball back. Not picking on this particular solution, but it strikes me as just another compensation that may cause yet another problem.
I'm just making an observation this morning as I drink my coffee. It is fun, but personally, I'm not rushing out to implement some of this stuff.