Dropping under plane

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how do I make sure I don't drop under plane on the downswing? I am trying to quit getting stuck behind my hip.

I've tried up the wall down the wall, but I tend not to use my hips when doing that. If I start with my hips I get stuck.


I don't have any pics, but one idea is to use the inside approach in reverse. Set up so you have to swing 'over' it. This will steepen the swing.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Use MY up the wall / down the wall drill

However in MY drill you have to have the wall BEHIND YOU.

99% of the time someone is dropping under plane on the downswing (from my limited experience) it is because of an OVERLY FLAT backswing.

Try making backswings with short irons with your back about 2 feet from the wall. Slowly make the club longer and get closer to the wall. I can guarrantee it will FEEL overly steep but it's because you've been flat. Then just transition normally :)


One thing that sometimes helps me is to keep my right foot planted, flat-footed, on the ground, on the downswing, as long as possible. That way, my hips will slide to the left and get out of the way, instead of getting stuck behind and getting in the way when I push off the toes and balls of my right foot, cross laterally.
quote:Originally posted by jim_0068

quote:Originally posted by wanole

thanks everyone. One thing is for sure, I don't have a flat backswing. :)

So can you do my drill?

Yes..I have been more steep trying to do the Manzella up the wall down the wall to stop hooking. I feel like I have zero shoulder trun, but I hit the ball just as far.

Problem is when I initiate my downswing with my hips the club drops down to much and gets stuck then I flip the wrist to compensate.


I have the same problem and started visualizing a drill that I found on Yoda's site that has helped even though it was used to quiet the legs. The aid/drill was to attach a dowel across your thighs and hit balls. If you drop under or drive your legs to far formward you would hit the dowel with your club. If you keep the dowel and your legs back so you can drop the club down on the ball you have doen it correctly.
This has really helped me as my legs get way out in front (no sit), I dip and club gets way behind me resulting in big block/cuts or big cuts.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator

1) re-watch Never Hook Again
2) follow brian's advice about hitting drivers off the deck. You can't do it if you're dropping under plane
3) practice the "drop" in the video as he does

Those should clear you up
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