Dynamic Swings.

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Would like to get everyones opinions on Dynamics and how one can improve in this area. Seeing that golfers are hitting the ball such prodigious distances these days, do you feel that some players are just born with the ability to move more dynamically or do they get taught this at some stage ( maybe even through doing other sports,activities etc. ) Any drills, exercises that can help players swing the club more like the likes of Tiger etc.

I have included 2 swings of a 15 year old golfer that have the most amazing dynamics. He is averaging around 120 Mph with his driver and hits it over 300 Yards quite easily these days. Is there still a place out there for players such as Fred Funk etc. or is the game purely becoming that of bombing it and working it out from there....?



I've become come crazy long over the last few months. The 15 yr old obviously has a proclivity for the game and his result are most likely not from hard work and instruction. Do not take this to mean that he doesn't work hard. For an untalented good golfer like myself it has taken an insane amount of hard work and quality information for me to achieve the results that I have over the last few months.

My power comes from having an insane pivot with a lot of leg drive, educated hands and several hours pounding balls and watching my swing in front of a mirror (best training tool!)
The further you hit it, the narrower the fairway becomes. So long as it stays this way accuracy will remain a premium.

By far though it's the guys with the good irons that win tournaments.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
I would venture to say everyone has a maximum hand speed that at 100% efficiency will produce Xmph of swing speed. Problem is most amatuers probably are maybe 65-70% effecient. A lot of my students end up hitting the ball further due to better mechanics.

However once you reach that limit, i think the only thing you can do after that to add distance is to become stronger and start "muscling" the ball a bit more.
Birdie Man.

I see your point with regards to his dynamic swing, however he is 17 Years old and swinging out of his boots with a Driver. The swing I posted was controlled aggresion with an iron. If I get this 15 year old pounding it with a driver he could easily get his speed up to crazy numbers. My point though is that maybe you are just BORN with this sort of dynamism and although certain things can help here , you either have it or you dont.

Agree with you fully. Certainly think that you reach a limit where the structure can become unstable and efficiency is lost.
I'm not trying to outdo you or anything...........

I just thought it fit in in a thread titled "Dynamic Swings." :rolleyes:

BTW you're exactly right......and it's a point I wanted to make (and that clip pretty much says it)...........there are certain things you either can or cannot do.
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Is there still a place out there for players such as Fred Funk etc. or is the game purely becoming that of bombing it and working it out from there....?


The way I see it is it's sketchy.......but Funk just won the Players.....Furyk just won the US Open and is #3 in the world I think (formerly #2).......even Poster McBoy Corey Pavin recently won an event.

Having said that tho........it's sketchy. You take 2 guys...one a long hitter and one short..........same group on sunday........they are both 100% on........the longer guy has a higher "ceiling" if you catch my drift. If you just take it at face value long hitting is a talent too.

I think the deal tho is that it urks people because it takes less aquired skill and more raw potential. Mechanics are huge of course but like it's been said, only certain people are ABLE to do CERTAIN things. Another "urk" some have is that the game is not as exciting........which I can see because 300 drives are common enough to really not be exciting at all.......and then you're left with.........weddddddddge. (yawn)

Ringer said:
The further you hit it, the narrower the fairway becomes. So long as it stays this way accuracy will remain a premium.

Good point. It's a simple fact of (I guess) physics really eh. Just like 1 foot putts are easier to get in the hole than 10 footers.....
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I think it was Bobby Shaeffer that said once that if he gave his students the option of either: hitting the ball 30 yards further on their drives, BUT increasing their handicap by 4 strokes, or, increasing their accuracy and knocking 4 strokes off their handicap, most would plump for the longer drives....:D
It seems golf is about that one good shot you can talk about for a week....

What's your opinion? Was this kid just born with it, or has it been a constant process of building his current swing? What have you been working on with him? He obviously has a great swing and a lot of talent...what areas (if any) would you like to upgrade in his swing?

Do you think you could build a swing like this for someone who wasn't born with it?

I don't have any answers here, just curious to know how this kid arrived to this swing, and if you think others can get there or thereabouts in a similar way.

What's your opinion? Was this kid just born with it, or has it been a constant process of building his current swing? What have you been working on with him? He obviously has a great swing and a lot of talent...what areas (if any) would you like to upgrade in his swing?

Do you think you could build a swing like this for someone who wasn't born with it?

I don't have any answers here, just curious to know how this kid arrived to this swing, and if you think others can get there or thereabouts in a similar way.

This kind of Dynamics you are most definitely born with. It is in the genes, no question. There is however lots of things one can do with players to improve their dynamics but mostly not to the extent that one sees here with this young player. Obviously distance is no issue and we are mainly working on controlling the flight of his irons as well as his short game at this stage.
I think it was Bobby Shaeffer that said once that if he gave his students the option of either: hitting the ball 30 yards further on their drives, BUT increasing their handicap by 4 strokes, or, increasing their accuracy and knocking 4 strokes off their handicap, most would plump for the longer drives....:D
It seems golf is about that one good shot you can talk about for a week....

I think Brian told a story about Shaeffer where he hit a 200 yard 8 iron (for Ben Doyle).........................................

Talk about dynamic.

BTW....VERY worth posting now that it's been brought up..............

B. Shaeffer (c/o Tongzilla):

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Jared Willerson

Super Moderator
Actually, I think David Alford has a lot of good stuff to say about this. He claims in his posts than anyone can learn to "look" like Hogan in their swing, if that someone is willing to put in the time and work.

I am a firm believer anyone can do anything they set their mind to. Some people may be more naturally atune to great dynamics, but anything can be learned given a fair amount of coordination and great instruction. We are lucky to have the latter right here on this forum.
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