I had broken my 7 wood and brought it to be reshafted.They ask what shaft I wanted to put in. I said I dont know he ask how far I hit a 5 iron I said about 150 or so. Now the guy knew me and said that cant be right I`ve seen you swing, so he put me on a machine to check swings out. I hit my driver between 85 and 90 mph then he put a 6 iron in my hand and just got about 130, he says it cant right and kept trying. Some of the information tells were you lose power and he told me I have an early release and probably need more lag. I then told him the only way I can hit down and hard was using a right arm takeaway (didnt know what I was talking about) and then hit the 6 iron 150 . He said then swing that way. I was told not to use the right arm takeaway. Anyway how can I not have an early release, Is there a drill or anything that will have me not realease early....joe