Educating my hands - please help (way too long)

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I also posted this over at Lynn's site - interested in getting as many opinions as possible. Please help.
I'm converting from switter to swinger under AI guidance. Here is a point of confusion - demonstrated by the fact I'm not getting to both arms straight.

Growing up playing baseball, I took hitting lessons from a very knowledgeable coach. The drill we worked on the most was as follows: Imagine there is a knife in the butt end of the bat - stick that knife in the pitcher. The result was very powerful. When I took up golf, I tried this same motion. It never quite worked (now I think it didn't work because I was still aiming the knife at the pitcher). Ultimately I ran accross some Peter Croker stuff - their teaching was to get rid of my pulling sensation and to move to a pushing sensation. Honestly, I never fully felt the pushing sensation - even when I tried to become a hitter. All I did was mix the two with occasional good results.

Now, after more description than you probably wanted, my question. I think the stick a knife in it imagery is probably similar to 10-19's drawing the arrow feathered end first. Where do I stick the knife? My thought now is that the butt must always point at the plane line, so it's going to be a point on the plane line. Do I stick it in the aim point as 10-19-C #2 appears to show (If I'm not misreading the book - this point can move forward or aft depending on various things)? I don't see how doing this I can concern myself with impact fix hand location. At any rate, am I on the right track with this knife in the butt of the club imagery? If I'm not please stop me now.

Now if I'm on the right track with these things - a big IF. How do I take this sam move to a one foot backswing? I had the chip then acquired motion lesson last time and made good progress, but I didn't do it with educated hands. Where do I stick the knife in the butt ofthe club on a one foot chip? OR, is a chip more of a hit that requires pushing out with the right palm? Whatever I should be doing, please chime in so I can work on the right thing.[B)]
For some, the thought of skewering the ball with the shaft causes them to slow the shoulders down, which in turn causes the clubhead to get too far ahead of the hands, beating the hands to the ball with a resultant bent left wrist. The straight line effort of the hands toward the aiming point has to give way to the curved path of the hands(pulley) as the shoulders continue rotating through impact.

On chips, obviously, you can't stick the butter knife into the ball since it never points at it, but that doesn't mean you have to "Hit" the chip. You can direct your flat/arched left wrist, instead of the butter knife, toward an aiming point using the pivot in a Swinging procedure.
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