Effect of the right hand grip on the takeaway

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Hi all,

I have recently been plagued by a pull hook with my shorter irons, the longer the club got, the more it turned into a push slice. Last night I re-watched NSA 2.0 and took particular note to the grip section as I am really struggling with the advice from my pro. I suffer from an inside takeaway with a flat backswing and a closed face at the top. I then come down very steep but can manage to get to the inside of the ball with my short and medium clubs but struggle with the longer clubs as the Trackman numbers suggest. The pro has had me utilising a takeaway that feels like Furyk looks, granted the club head stays outside of the hands to waist high but after that it becomes flatter again the rest of the way. My weight shift is good and shoulder plane is reasonable and setup good but I cannot get steeper in the backswing. As I pointed out I watched NSA2.0 again and changed my grip. My previous grip was strong 2-3 knuckles left hand, zero knuckles right hand, so I went to the range last night and tried 2-3 knuckles left hand and a weaker 2 knuckles right hand so it was on top of the shaft. I have never hit the ball as well in my life! for the first time I can remember I hit a push draw. So I suppose what I’m asking is am I on the right path? I haven’t seen myself on video yet so I don’t know if I have got steeper in the backswing and shallower in the downswing, but can a slight change of a grip do this? Does a weaker or more neutral right hand grip promote a steeper takeaway? or is there other parts to the swing to concentrate on to acheive this as a Jim Furyk backswing feels so wrong and manipulated.

BTW, NSA2.0 great video


Until I can get a video up, could anybody suggest the best way to steepen your backswing and could a weaker right hand grip make much difference?

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