I've swung on the TSP (turned shoulder plane) all my life and generally follow BMan's soft draw pattern. Am I correct that this pattern is not contingent upon the downswing being on the EP (elbow plane) and/or a CP release?
I've learned recently that swinging on the TSP causes more closure rate issues with the clubface than the EP, however, I just don't swing on the EP. I don't like bending over a lot and using my torso to go left with a CP type release. Also, I can hit the ball much further on the TSP than the EP with a CF release with my swing pattern. My body likes my hands to lift up on the backswing, not go around.
I've learned recently that swinging on the TSP causes more closure rate issues with the clubface than the EP, however, I just don't swing on the EP. I don't like bending over a lot and using my torso to go left with a CP type release. Also, I can hit the ball much further on the TSP than the EP with a CF release with my swing pattern. My body likes my hands to lift up on the backswing, not go around.