Watched him at the Masters.
Way too flat on the downswing and below plane.
Sad, really.
Watched him at the Masters.
Way too flat on the downswing and below plane.
Sad, really.
Brian (or Jim K. or Mike F), can you explain this? I am not sure how a too flat swing is below plane. It seems counterintuitive...thanks.
Els' downswing comes down the TSP, Brian is saying that he is too flat meaning he is under that plane which is too flat FOR HIM.
We're talking about the downswing right? In his early days he went back flatter and came down steeper, now he has it the other way around, harder to keep the timing IMO.
Came down steeper? I have some old swings of ernie (down the line view) with a VERY OBVIOUS shift from during start down onto the elbow plane. He does not do this anymore.