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I agree -- the words are too close in meaning.

I've always liked the way Mike Hebron explains the concept of Imperatives vs. Essentials:

"There are three things you have to have and three things that are nice to have."
Read the quote below somewhere else...courtesy of a Mike O....

We know this already but apparently it is Homer's words (from what source I am still waiting to find OOt)...and I do agree....those three things are the only things the ball knows:

Mike O said:
He certainly meant that the Imperatives are more important than the Essentials. Here is a direct quote from Homer Kelley in regards to this section of the book and referring to essentials and imperatives. I have bolded in black the section where his voice has added "life" or importance if you will - where he get's excited or feels like he's really making an important comment. I put in red - my own side comment regarding his discussion.

Starting off in 2-0 referring to Essentials he says:

"It's farther down the line than the imperatives - the flat left wrist and the clubhead lag and a straight plane line. See you can move your head, you can wobble a little and your rhythm can be off and you can still play a pretty good game of golf. If you bend your left wrist and you don't have a lag pressure point and a straight plane line- you can't - nothing in the book makes sense- It won't work- This is I think the reason behind that (why those are imperatives and more important than the essentials), with these three things- If you don't do those three things, The book will only confuse- the farther you go the more confused you get because nothing works."
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Brian Manzella

Yeah, you right!

And then, someone that doesn't know any better says:

"So Mike, after you can do the imperatives, THEN you learn to do the essentials really good so you'll have more precision—right?"

And Mike O says the same thing I will say right here:


If you have the three imperatives, THEN you are done!

(Of course, if you've bet the whole 'company' on selling essentials...)
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