Evolution of my swing

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Firstly I would like to thank everyone for the help in building and changing my swing - This wouldn't of been possible without you and this forum



looks great. Curious on what was the hardest part to change and how you went about rebuilding. What did you start with and how did you monitor your progress?


quote:Originally posted by bcoak

looks great. Curious on what was the hardest part to change and how you went about rebuilding. What did you start with and how did you monitor your progress?

The hardest part to change was posture, throwaway at impact, backswing plane, backswing body movement, increasing my lag pressure.... but if I was to nominate the hardest part to change was my previous misconceptions on the golf swing and only recently beginning to get a better understanding of.

The strange thing about golf is though - I haven't played a course in easily over a year - Ive been practice, practice, practice and my shots are further and more accurate, if I played myself 'right now' chances are that I wouldn't come 10 shots within myself a year ago. My swing is still in the process of improving and only when I have a consistant pro-quality striking ability (which I have spells of) will I then get to the process of playing again on courses. It feels less and less mechanical and eventually it will be my natural movement and just have to monitor minor tendancies. I pulled out a driver just a few days ago and while it wasn't as accurate as I would of really liked(its still an improvement over last year), my new swing is now capable of hitting 280-310 yards without the feeling like im making a long drive contest swing.

To put in perspective and to pat myself and the others ppl in the forums backs... Nick Faldo took 2 years to completely rebuild his swing. I was worse than faldo was to begin with and what ive developed in over this year and a half, is really impressive and I didn't have the time to put into golf like he did (which he said in his book 7 days a week).... I think actually my improvement is actually more impressive than his...but then again - I did have sound principles that he didn't have knowledge about (nor does he still).....



Congratulations; you've obviously studied and worked hard and we are inspired to see the results. Could you tell us any other sources of information you used other than golf forums? Are you self-teaching or do you have someone working with you? How important was the use of video to you?


quote:Originally posted by rwh


Congratulations; you've obviously studied and worked hard and we are inspired to see the results. Could you tell us any other sources of information you used other than golf forums? Are you self-teaching or do you have someone working with you? How important was the use of video to you?

Really it has been these forums and the golfing machine book - This one and the golfing machine forum.... I don't work with an instructor although I have called Brian and once phoned up Redgoat up also...

I suppose what really happened was stepping onto a few discoveries - which are like nuggets of gold - sometimes discoveries are consequencial of other changes, sometimes I just experiment and tinker about hoping to find something, sometimes I looked at film and just went 'thats not right'...

Heres another tip - get a camera and it will help you greatly in the quest...
Terrific improvement Sir. Swing changes come faster or slower based on ones skill, talent and dedication. Yours have obviously come faster than many. The key, or course, is having a good 'roadmap' for change. Sounds like you have found it in TGM.

My AI talks to me about the thousands and thousands of balls he hit as a youngster without 'real' improvement. Certainly, he said, I got better by sheer brute effort, but it wasn't until I discovered TGM and began to UNDERSTAND what I was trying to do that my game took a quantum leap.

My comments on your current swing are as follows :Looking at your swing, it is clear to me that your earlier swing was encumbered by a large pony-tail which caused weight shift imbalances and a fear of being slapped in the face on the follow-through. Losing that pony-tail has helped you feel your pivot center and allowed a much more free-wheeling move through the ball.

The big question is, has cutting off the locks cost you any chicks?


quote:Originally posted by denny.

Great work. And your posts have improved just as much. Become an A.I. and a P.G.A. pro.

Thanks Denny,

Wish I could and if I didn't have other commitments I would probably try to. When I have kids when im older I can teach them how to play if they are interested.


quote:Originally posted by Triad

Terrific improvement Sir. Swing changes come faster or slower based on ones skill, talent and dedication. Yours have obviously come faster than many. The key, or course, is having a good 'roadmap' for change. Sounds like you have found it in TGM.

My AI talks to me about the thousands and thousands of balls he hit as a youngster without 'real' improvement. Certainly, he said, I got better by sheer brute effort, but it wasn't until I discovered TGM and began to UNDERSTAND what I was trying to do that my game took a quantum leap.

My comments on your current swing are as follows :Looking at your swing, it is clear to me that your earlier swing was encumbered by a large pony-tail which caused weight shift imbalances and a fear of being slapped in the face on the follow-through. Losing that pony-tail has helped you feel your pivot center and allowed a much more free-wheeling move through the ball.

The big question is, has cutting off the locks cost you any chicks?

As homer said - TGM takes the 'seems if' out of things. Its alot easier to work to work with than 'mystery' even if it is complex.

Don't need any chicks :D i got the best girl of them all and she loves me with or without my locks..lol.
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