Terrific improvement Sir. Swing changes come faster or slower based on ones skill, talent and dedication. Yours have obviously come faster than many. The key, or course, is having a good 'roadmap' for change. Sounds like you have found it in TGM.
My AI talks to me about the thousands and thousands of balls he hit as a youngster without 'real' improvement. Certainly, he said, I got better by sheer brute effort, but it wasn't until I discovered TGM and began to UNDERSTAND what I was trying to do that my game took a quantum leap.
My comments on your current swing are as follows :Looking at your swing, it is clear to me that your earlier swing was encumbered by a large pony-tail which caused weight shift imbalances and a fear of being slapped in the face on the follow-through. Losing that pony-tail has helped you feel your pivot center and allowed a much more free-wheeling move through the ball.
The big question is, has cutting off the locks cost you any chicks?