What exactly is extensor action and how is it applied correctly? I am relatively new to TGM and I keep seeing it in different posts, but I am not entirely clear on what it means.
means that the right elbow is bent from address to follow through .... the left arm acts as a "checkrein" to limit the straightening of the right arm...
This is all helping, but I am still confused. Do you apply it throughout the backswing and forward swing? Do you release it after impact? Does this apply to all take aways (should, RFT, etc.)?
Thanks Jim. It is making more sense now. What is the benefit of making the right arm straighten the left as opposed to just swinging the club back effortlessly while keeping the left arm straight? I am asking because that is what I have always done. Should I have the feeling the my right arm is pulling the left arm up and then pushing it back down?
Take a belt and hold one end in your left armpit (peck/upper left arm). Put your right hand on the end dangling and push it taught w/out pulling it from the hold of your armpit area.
Take a backswing and keep the belt taught while you do so. Now, bend your right elbow too much and the belt will slack and flop around...don't do this in your swing
Your right arm gives your left arm structure during the backswing...you'll feel your right lifeline push on your left thumb....