Eyes on Plane

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How important do you rate keeping the eyes parallel to the plane during setup and throughout the swing ? Can the way in which the eyes are set along the swing plane ultimately affect or alter your swing path ? Should the eyes be set first when addressing the ball then the body ? Have good players already built this into their game and could this be a place where most hackers fail miserably during their setup to the ball ?


I recently started paying much closer attention to both eyes being on plane in my putting, thanks to pro aim (try them if you haven't yet). I have a very dominant left eye, and don't use my right eye much. At least in putting, I certainly found out how powerful it is to have both eyes on plane. If you look at photos of the top players over time, you will see nearly all have their eyes on plane through the shot. Hebron's books have some great photos of this. So yes, I would agree with you, the eyes are 'overlooked' in setup by most, and can make a big difference when on/off plane.
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