Face angle swinging left

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When we aim left to swing left with short irons (< 7 iron?) are we placing the clubface toward the target at address or are we aiming it left along the swing line? To swing down and out, then also are we aiming left and swinging a little less left ie across the line?
The face should be pointed at your intended target while you are swing to the left. By hitting down and swinging left you can zero out the path of your swing so it matches where the face is pointing = a straight shot. Hope this makes sense.


New member

Are you sure that the clubface should be facing the target at address? Based on my present understanding of Brian's explantion, I thought that the clubface should be neutral to the leftward-oriented plane line at address. Then one swings leftwards (tracing a SPL of the leftward-oriented plane line). At impact, the path is in-to-out relative to the leftward-oriented plane line (because of the downward attack angle), but facing the target at impact with the clubface also facing the target at impact.



Does it really matter where it is at address? I don't know but I would also think you'd want it square to where your aiming for the look of it.


For an iron with impact before low point, the plane line and everything is turned slightly to the left of the target (center of green, or whatever), and at impact the clubface should be delivered square to the plane line. This is a pretty simple setup and action.


New member

How can the clubface be delivered square to the leftwards-oriented plane line at impact. I thought that the clubface should be square to the target at impact - because the clubhead is still moving down-and-out to its low point (due to its downward attack angle).

See this diagram.



How can the clubface be delivered square to the leftwards-oriented plane line at impact. I thought that the clubface should be square to the target at impact - because the clubhead is still moving down-and-out to its low point (due to its downward attack angle).

See this diagram.




You got it! the clubface would definitely be square to the target, not the plane line. The Plane Line is left, True Clubface at the target and True Path at the target.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
I second that, Jeff. Good diagram. Nak, the face only matters in your grip and how it relates to your left hand. Make it look any number of ways at address. Just not square with a lot of forward press!
That is it exactly. Thanks for recovering that info from a previous thread.
The plane line is left of the target line, but the face angle is open to the plane line. Depending upon how left the plane line is, the face while open to it may be aimed left, at, or right of the target. It appears to be a delicate calculation. no wonder the pros don't hit the stick every time.


All this info is good and accurate but it doesn't answer the question that was asked. I read his question as where does someone align the face at address not impact. Should it be aligned with the plane line or the true path/target line at address?
All this info is good and accurate but it doesn't answer the question that was asked. I read his question as where does someone align the face at address not impact. Should it be aligned with the plane line or the true path/target line at address?

Answer: it doesn't matter! Whatever makes you hit the ball better.

Although I'd say that 90% of tour players try and aim it up pretty much right at the target. If that means anything.
What about an open clubface to hit a high draw? The face isn't pointed at the target at this point... but the path is not going left.
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