Face control has become my white whale. Try as I might, I just cannot latch on to a consistent means to decrease my considerable shot dispersion range.
As an example, went to the range yesterday and hit maybe 20 drives. The tee was laid flat pointing EXACTLY at the target ON EVERY ONE and I ranged from push slices 20 yards right to pull hooks 25 yards left. The issue goes all the way down through the wedges which of course have less net variation in ball flight range but still likely have the same face angle error. I do not think I'm flipping it either.
I've tried:
1. Switching to bigger grips (+1/8").
2. Uber strong to uber weak grip.
3. Feather light to pretty strong grip pressure.
4. Twistaway.
5. More in the fingers to more in the palms.
Honestly, nothing really seems to make a difference. Swing weight maybe? Maybe there's something in the combination above that has the best chance for success?
I did a title search on "Clubface Control" and there's 16 previous posts. Jim K.'s is probably the secret with "practice, practice, practice" but can I accelerate the learning curve with additional means? I probably hit 250 balls/week and I ain't gettin' there yet. I'm afraid my poor body is gonna give out before I can hit a straight ball.
As an example, went to the range yesterday and hit maybe 20 drives. The tee was laid flat pointing EXACTLY at the target ON EVERY ONE and I ranged from push slices 20 yards right to pull hooks 25 yards left. The issue goes all the way down through the wedges which of course have less net variation in ball flight range but still likely have the same face angle error. I do not think I'm flipping it either.
I've tried:
1. Switching to bigger grips (+1/8").
2. Uber strong to uber weak grip.
3. Feather light to pretty strong grip pressure.
4. Twistaway.
5. More in the fingers to more in the palms.
Honestly, nothing really seems to make a difference. Swing weight maybe? Maybe there's something in the combination above that has the best chance for success?
I did a title search on "Clubface Control" and there's 16 previous posts. Jim K.'s is probably the secret with "practice, practice, practice" but can I accelerate the learning curve with additional means? I probably hit 250 balls/week and I ain't gettin' there yet. I'm afraid my poor body is gonna give out before I can hit a straight ball.