Falling forward...

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I find that quite often my weight is moving toward my toes on the downswing, falling forward. Not a vast amount, but enough to notice. Usually followed by a pull left. What are the main reasons for this in general, and anyone know any good drills to fix the root cause (i.e. I want to fix the cause not the effect...)? Thanks.

Brian Manzella

Here ya go....

When you hit a golf ball correctly, two things are happening:

1. You hit the inside-aft quadrant of the ball on the way down plane.

2. Your hips open and your weight goes towars the left heel (as a result).

If you are TOO FAR FROM THE BALL at address, you can do ONE but not TWO of these.

Get closer.
Possible causes:

1.The club could be getting too far behind you in the backswing, causing the weight to go with it, slightly off balance weight too much in the heels resulting in a compensation in the transistion which sees the weight move towards the toes of both feet and hence the loss of balance in the downswing.

2. Backswing too upright, right elbow too high, clubhead and hands move out towards the target line in the transistion, weight goes with it.

3. Poor transistion move, "roundhousing" in TGM speak, right hip and shoulder moving out towards the target line instead of moving towards the target, result too much weight in the toes. Try sliding the hip parallel to the target line, not towards it. The weight should be moving towards the base of the toes of the left foot.

4. In the transistion the shaft fails to flatten, clubhead and hands almost lined up, right elbow and right shoulder high, steep start to downswing, weight towards target line.

Hope this helps!

Brian Manzella

I find that quite often my weight is moving toward my toes on the downswing, falling forward. Not a vast amount, but enough to notice. Usually followed by a pull left. What are the main reasons for this in general, and anyone know any good drills to fix the root cause (i.e. I want to fix the cause not the effect...)? Thanks.

When you hit a golf ball correctly, two things are happening:

1. You hit the inside-aft quadrant of the ball on the way down plane.

2. Your hips open and your weight goes towars the left heel (as a result).

If you are TOO FAR FROM THE BALL at address, you can do ONE but not TWO of these.

Get closer.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
I had a student that had this problem, only reason was because he had too much weight in his heel during address and backswing. So when you start down all the force pulls you back onto your toes. Makes hitting the ball hard.

I finally convinced him to setup more on the balls of his feet and wala....much better.

I find that quite often my weight is moving toward my toes on the downswing, falling forward. Not a vast amount, but enough to notice. Usually followed by a pull left. What are the main reasons for this in general, and anyone know any good drills to fix the root cause (i.e. I want to fix the cause not the effect...)? Thanks.

Sounds like you have what I had a bit of last year...

My butt and hips were moving towards the target line on the downswing, due to my stomach muscles collapsing, which when added to the weight of my tilted upper body. left me no choice but to fall onto my toes.

Identified it on video, and then cured it by setting up with my butt stuck out more at address (weight still 50/50 on each foot) and during the swing making sure my stomach muscles remained slightly in tension to prevent any collapse of my tilt angle on the downswing...Maintain your address tilt angle until well after impact ( feel like you're keeping your butt stuck out)....

You can practice this at the end of a low wall. Set up with your butt against the wall, and at any time during the swing (apart from right at the end of the follow through) one of your butt cheeks should always be touching the wall...
Thanks all

Lots of good stuff to try there, thanks guys, much appreciated.

Brian, significance of your repeat post understood. Thnx.


why is his left heel lifting at impact ?

With a driver, both Tiger's heels lift BEFORE impact....

It's part of the way he uses the largest muscles in the body (thigh and gluts) to produce and release energy ..tense and squat and then jump and extend (the hip, knee and ankle joints)...

Bobby Schaeffer teaches this and many long drivers do it, Brad Petersen, Karl Woodward etc...

Not a move you can copy easily......
The left heel off the ground (for RHs) in the impact area is very common with women players - even a number of LPGA players -Laura Davies comes to mind immediately.

Isn't it just a reaction to the deep extention at/through impact?

If the left foot was point out more would this be less aparent?
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