Famous teacher not satisfied with your results?

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Brian Manzella

Our own Mike Finney, who has at least one really good idea a day, thought up this beauty while attending the Jim Hardy presentation to the Kentucky Section of the PGA and sitting next to me.

“You know, if you (Brian Manzella) spent two or three days with this guy (Jim Hardy), and explained how the golf swing really works and why what he is saying is right and wrong, you would smarten him up so much, he could run over all the Harmons and Leadbetters and make a few more million than he would have.”

Mike is right….of course. :)

For the VERY affordable fee of $20,000, Brian Manzella, PGA, GSED, who some—including himself—consider to be the most knowledgeable man in golf, will tell you WHY and HOW what your are teaching is or isn’t working, and how to alter your methods to make your instruction business better than it would have EVER BEEN.

This three day IMERSION into golf’s instruction stratosphere, includes training your assistant teaching professionals to TEACH BETTER than they EVER would have.

Utilizing not just golf science like Homer Kelley’s “Golfing Machine,” but his PEERLESS techniques for solving the lesson tee’s most difficult problems—fast—and his SECOND-to-NONE wisdom and comprehension of ALL the so-called great teacher’s methods strengths and WEAKNESSES, will result in an experience worth far more than the introductory price tag.

At the end you will be in the top 1% most informed golf teachers on earth.

Call 502.417.4653 to set up your session today!

Steve Khatib

Super Moderator
Mike Finney is 100% spot on. If a name teacher lets say a Hardy or a Haney or heaven forbid even a Leadbetter, used Tgm and more importantly Brian's stuff to teach with they would sky rocket to no. 1 teacher in the world in 6 months. Why?????

Because they allready have a name and couple this with best information and they would be unbeatable. Unfortunately Brian is not a household name yet. So his teaching is not given the credit it deserves.

It would be an interesting little experiment to get Brian to teach one of lets say Haney's average students through Haney delivering the instruction. In 6 months he would become a world beater and Haney recieve even more accolades than he does now, he could even go down as one of the greatest teachers in history. Again why??? Because he allready has a name.

This has allready occurred at another famous academy as the Head teacher took all of the credit from one knowledgable staff member for students improvements. When this guy was fired over a disagreement the students stopped improving.

This all gets back to the teaching golf in the real world post.

I recommend anyone to take this up as with a brand allready marketed, better information will back up your dog and pony show and turn it into a credible teaching establishment, where students actually improve unlike most golf teaching facilities where they dont improve at all and just get 'warm bath' lessons.
Brian, you are knowledgeable and I think most all of us recognize that without you having to tell us all the time.

and 4 barrels, are you implying that brian is bigger than TGM when you say, "If a name teacher lets say a Hardy or a Haney or heaven forbid even a Leadbetter, used Tgm and more importantly Brian's stuff"

Brian Manzella


You missed the point.

Read the "$1000 DVD thread."

As far as what Steve is saying, are YOU saying that there is nothing worthwhile in the Golf Teaching Universe than TGM?

Steve Khatib

Super Moderator
Shooting 4 par I mean TGM alone is worthwhile only with the partical aplication of an AI like Brian who can really translate the instruction into eal stuff for the student.

There a host of 9 handicappers we all know that can quote the book better than Brain or myself but applying and teaching is an art form.
4 barrels, it is when you said if someone used TGM and "MORE IMPORTANTLY" brians stuff, that makes it sound as if you are placing Brian above TGM, that is just my take.

Brian, what is or is not sarcastic can get lost when you are openly arrogant, like I said I think you know your stuff pretty well and if I was in a higher tax bracket would maybe even try you out, I have chosen to teach also but not in a lucrative business. However, I think it would not hurt to be a little more humble, but then again you have heard this before. If your goal is to truly be the best instructo, demeanor plays a part in that. In your defense I have heard that you dont come across as cocky in person.

Brian Manzella

I really wasn't being THAT sarcastic. :)

The point is that I really would earn my $20,000 with the "Troubleshooters" and TGM info is only useful if you can get the student to apply it.

Remember, there are really good teachers who know ZERO TGM and poor TGM teachers.
I don't think sarcasm and arrogance define Brian. I look at him as being very confident, which I can appreciate as a student of the game.
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