Fat Shots kill my round

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I am a decent golfer. i usually shoot in the mid to low 80's. My problem is that at least three times a round I hit fat iron shots. I don;t think Im flipping. I think it may have something to do with not having my centers in fron of the ball. Im really not sure. Any suggestions r drills to prevent this would be greatly appreciated...

Also, where can I get some more info on The Golfing Machine method? I have just started learning some of the concepts in Mr. Manzella's You Tube video's. Which are the best on You Tube by the way.. Thanks for those!@@@

Nick Acquaviva

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Nick; do a quick search as Brian just listed his "top 10 fats" reason. However since this doesn't happen to you often and seems like it comes out of nowhere what tends to happen in my experience (and i've done it too) is that you quit on the short.

You essentially slow down the pivot to where it stalls and you aren't "open enough" to have your hands forward enough to bring the low point in the right point. Think of it as your body stalling and your arms crashing into the ground. This is also what tends to happen to people on pitch shots too.

So just remember to not be all armsy and to pivot.
Nick; do a quick search as Brian just listed his "top 10 fats" reason. However since this doesn't happen to you often and seems like it comes out of nowhere what tends to happen in my experience (and i've done it too) is that you quit on the short.

You essentially slow down the pivot to where it stalls and you aren't "open enough" to have your hands forward enough to bring the low point in the right point. Think of it as your body stalling and your arms crashing into the ground. This is also what tends to happen to people on pitch shots too.

So just remember to not be all armsy and to pivot.

Thanks for the advice. I think you are spot on. When this happens the one thing I noticed is that I am not completely rotated to the target....Which leads me to believe that my body stopped turning somewhere.


I am also in Chicago, and would like to see you for instruction. I see that you are back on board as an instructor. Where are you based out of, and do youdo winter sessions? Thanks in advance....
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