Fat Shots

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I have developed a case of fat shots with my irons the past few range sessions. My 3-5 hybrid and 5 wood are thin to normal and my driver is fine.

I have been trying different grips and ball positions so I thought that may be the cause. I have been trying to get the grip a little more in my palm.

Today I was hitting fat iron shots so I decided to make some grip changes. After looking at my current grip I noticed my left hand heel pad was not really on top of the club. After putting the heal pad on top of the club I got great results. I'm not sure if I found the problem or got lucky for a few shots then confident again :)

Can the left hand grip and heel pad not on top cause fat shots?

When I put the heel pad on top of the shaft my grip looks and feels very strong. I did Brian's grip check with your left arm parallel to the ground and my clubface if 10-20 degrees closed. Any suggestions?

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You're probably swinging out to the right too much.

I play to a +1 and my clubface control and clubpath control are pretty good and consistent. But my big killer is low point control. I think the major issue for me is the path is out to the right too much. I hit more thin shots than fat ones and I can hit them reasonably well so it prevents my score from going too high. But even with a very consistent inside-to-out path the low point is too difficult to control as well as I would like.

That's possible. I'm not really thinking of my swing path I simply get to the top and turn my hips and let everything else happen naturally. That swing thought has helped my game soo much this year.
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