Favorite golf slang

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Years ago, the Tour Rabbits would attempt to qualify for the Atlanta Golf Classic on the Monday of the Tournament. The guys would all show up on the prior weekend to play the course. On one of those weekends, Pap, the venerable Atlanta Country Club Caddiemaster, and I were standing by the bag room as a group came off the 18th.

"How's yo' man?" Pap asked the caddie.

"All bag," said Smiley.

"Ma man's all Bag."



Salacious scottish caddie slang:

Blondie: a fair crack down the middle (only one I can print on a public forum)[:I]
I play a weekly Lauderdale with a gentleman who after making any good shot, putt, or whatever says, "You got to want it." Have to be there.


an expression I often think of when at the range and seeing some of the crazy moves people have... swinging like a monkey on drugs
i'm right handed swinger...last year i hit a shot with an 8iron that rose about 8feet, and took a nosedive to the right about 40yards out...eversince, my partner calls out for that "duckslice" for show once again...have never seen it since...good! glad i had a witness! lol

Ryan Smither

Super Moderator
slapshot----referring to a slap cut/slice
"With that lake on the right, this isn't the best time to bring out that slapshot Steve."


From Tommy Bolt (to a Pro-Am partner) : "Hey Maf, don't Harley that jessie; just cool that jewel into the fluffie."
"Rock Hudson" A put that looks like it ought to be straight but isn't.

"Sally Gunnell" Ugly but a good runner.


A Monet. From far away , the shot looks great, but when you approach it, you find out how horrible looking it is. Also applies to women (and vice versa to guys for you ladies out there)
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