Years ago, the Tour Rabbits would attempt to qualify for the Atlanta Golf Classic on the Monday of the Tournament. The guys would all show up on the prior weekend to play the course. On one of those weekends, Pap, the venerable Atlanta Country Club Caddiemaster, and I were standing by the bag room as a group came off the 18th.
i'm right handed swinger...last year i hit a shot with an 8iron that rose about 8feet, and took a nosedive to the right about 40yards out...eversince, my partner calls out for that "duckslice" for show once again...have never seen it since...good! glad i had a witness! lol
A Monet. From far away , the shot looks great, but when you approach it, you find out how horrible looking it is. Also applies to women (and vice versa to guys for you ladies out there)