This is a great topic and a really fun thread. I agree with Brian, when he called the article stupid. I was screaming and pulling my hair as I read the article. Pretty is as pretty does. So here is my two cents worth: Ben Hogan, Moe, Mickey Wright, and Gene Littler. By the way. Mickey and Gene had the same teacher when they started as kids in San Diego. Before they swung a club, their teacher had them swing a willow switch. Pound for pound Gene Little could really hit a golf ball. Effortless and smooth. Uncomplicated and repeating. Jack Nicklaus was asked if Tiger was the ball striker ever. His reply was, "No. Ben Hogan. Not even close." Hogan and Moe had great phyical gifts and great mental gifts. Gene Littler wasn't phyically strong yet he moved the ball. His swing defied logic! You couldn't figure out where the power was coming from with such a seemingly effortless motion. His practice swings and real swings were identical.