I played a tie today with a guy who hit the ball as clean as I've ever seen. Needless to say he whipped me. Afterwards over a beer I asked him about his swing and he said the following
'Alls I do is rotate my left forearm to the top, feel a flat left wrist and then use my hips to rotate a straight left arm and flat left wrist down to the back of the ball and then back to the inside'
Now to me this sounds like pure gold .. a simple pviot rotation of a FLW into the back of the ball ... can it be this simple? Because straight after 2 beers I hit the range and tried it and started hitting the ball clean too? Was it just the beers
or has he just simplified something I was making way too complex?
I played a tie today with a guy who hit the ball as clean as I've ever seen. Needless to say he whipped me. Afterwards over a beer I asked him about his swing and he said the following
'Alls I do is rotate my left forearm to the top, feel a flat left wrist and then use my hips to rotate a straight left arm and flat left wrist down to the back of the ball and then back to the inside'
Now to me this sounds like pure gold .. a simple pviot rotation of a FLW into the back of the ball ... can it be this simple? Because straight after 2 beers I hit the range and tried it and started hitting the ball clean too? Was it just the beers