I have always been a feel swinger, and never had trouble understanding what went wrong with a swing. As I get older this seems to be changing, I have tried to have a smoother tempo with my irons and instead of hitting a PW from 150, it is now a 9 or even an 8 iron, with better result. This change has made me less feely and more mechanical, focusing more on club position, hands etc. The driver on the other hand, is a disaster if I try to swing mechanically, my tempo and timing are off and I am too stiff. Going back to feel off the tee has improved my driving again.
My question is; which is the better way to play? Do better players play by feel or by mechanical technique?
sorry for the long winded post.
My question is; which is the better way to play? Do better players play by feel or by mechanical technique?
sorry for the long winded post.