Brian Manzella
I found FGI and Justin Ramers this past winter. It is a very well done web site.
I was searching for other web forums after getting “banned” from
My “crime” there was, after being challenged as to my credentials,
was that I posted a very impressive 7 page resume.
I have been in the golf teaching business for 20 years now. My whole adult life.
Since the very beginning I could see that the instruction given to the masses was very poor. I told (loudly) as many people as would listen (not many). I did MY part to make it better. I ran the BEST junior instruction program in the country (for free) and later the best junior golf camp in the country (for pennies). I did extensive research trying to find answers.
I did.
I tried, in vain, to GIVE the answers away to the powers that be in the golfing organizations. I had the CURE for slicing, hooking, shanking, topping, etc. No one in power listened. I kept on saying: “If people can’t hit the ball they will QUIT” or not even try.
Now, there is a crisis. GROWTH OF THE GAME issues. People are quitting cause they can’t HIT THE BALL. I was right.
Due to the hard work of Mr. Ramers (who I like, by the way), I was exposed on FGI to thousands of golfers who wanted answers. I did my best to help them and I answered dozens of e-mails a day from people who read me on FGI and wanted help privately.
No problem.
Now there are certainly other teachers, and were other teachers on FGI. Some of them liked what I have to say and some didn’t. Some just don’t like my Limbaugh-like attitude about my belief in what I can do. Some non-teachers didn’t like it either.
My belief that I am the best at what I do is rooted in several things. But the short version is that I have heard them all, in person, and taught next to most of them on TOUR. I still think I am as good as anyone. That belief is echoed in my best friend’s belief in my ability and knowledge and my teacher, Ben Doyle’s belief in me as well.
If you don’t know Michael and Ben, you just wouldn’t believe how hard it would be to get either’s approval.
Trust me.
Anyway, if someone jumped me, I jumped them back. That’s how I am. Didn’t mean to hurt anyone’s feelings but, I will argue my point. Anyone that knows me knows that.
Justin Ramers really did a good job of playing traffic cop on his site. I didn’t agree 100% of the time with his decisions, but a majority of the time for sure.
I have an agenda!!!
No, not money. I could have made a mint in dozens of other professions easier.
My Agenda: To educate the golfing masses on how to HIT THE BALL BETTER. And to start the new golfers off right.
I really believe I am the one to do it. I really believe that I will.
This belief really urks some people.
Some people think the only way is the soft spoken way. Well, look at Rush or others with belief in themselves and strong opinions. They made it. They “took over.” They were WAY out-of-the-box.
And they would have had to start their own forum too.
Thanks for the head start Justin. If there is anything you need just call. I’ll even give a FREE CLINIC at the next FGI bash.
If you want to trade links, that’s cool too.
As for the people who can’t stand my style…
Call me at anytime 502.417.4653 and I’d love to talk golf.
Brian Manzella, PGA, G.S.E.M.
I was searching for other web forums after getting “banned” from
My “crime” there was, after being challenged as to my credentials,
was that I posted a very impressive 7 page resume.
I have been in the golf teaching business for 20 years now. My whole adult life.
Since the very beginning I could see that the instruction given to the masses was very poor. I told (loudly) as many people as would listen (not many). I did MY part to make it better. I ran the BEST junior instruction program in the country (for free) and later the best junior golf camp in the country (for pennies). I did extensive research trying to find answers.
I did.
I tried, in vain, to GIVE the answers away to the powers that be in the golfing organizations. I had the CURE for slicing, hooking, shanking, topping, etc. No one in power listened. I kept on saying: “If people can’t hit the ball they will QUIT” or not even try.
Now, there is a crisis. GROWTH OF THE GAME issues. People are quitting cause they can’t HIT THE BALL. I was right.
Due to the hard work of Mr. Ramers (who I like, by the way), I was exposed on FGI to thousands of golfers who wanted answers. I did my best to help them and I answered dozens of e-mails a day from people who read me on FGI and wanted help privately.
No problem.
Now there are certainly other teachers, and were other teachers on FGI. Some of them liked what I have to say and some didn’t. Some just don’t like my Limbaugh-like attitude about my belief in what I can do. Some non-teachers didn’t like it either.
My belief that I am the best at what I do is rooted in several things. But the short version is that I have heard them all, in person, and taught next to most of them on TOUR. I still think I am as good as anyone. That belief is echoed in my best friend’s belief in my ability and knowledge and my teacher, Ben Doyle’s belief in me as well.
If you don’t know Michael and Ben, you just wouldn’t believe how hard it would be to get either’s approval.
Trust me.
Anyway, if someone jumped me, I jumped them back. That’s how I am. Didn’t mean to hurt anyone’s feelings but, I will argue my point. Anyone that knows me knows that.
Justin Ramers really did a good job of playing traffic cop on his site. I didn’t agree 100% of the time with his decisions, but a majority of the time for sure.
I have an agenda!!!
No, not money. I could have made a mint in dozens of other professions easier.
My Agenda: To educate the golfing masses on how to HIT THE BALL BETTER. And to start the new golfers off right.
I really believe I am the one to do it. I really believe that I will.
This belief really urks some people.
Some people think the only way is the soft spoken way. Well, look at Rush or others with belief in themselves and strong opinions. They made it. They “took over.” They were WAY out-of-the-box.
And they would have had to start their own forum too.
Thanks for the head start Justin. If there is anything you need just call. I’ll even give a FREE CLINIC at the next FGI bash.
If you want to trade links, that’s cool too.
As for the people who can’t stand my style…
Call me at anytime 502.417.4653 and I’d love to talk golf.
Brian Manzella, PGA, G.S.E.M.