Fighting the blocks

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I'm struggling a bit blocking the ball to the right. I'm a "hitter", but feel right now, Like my left hand is regripping the club on the downswing, making my left wrist want to cup, rather than staying flat. Any good drills or ideas as to how to get that left hand out of play. Thanks


Make a forward press at address and then keep your hands in that position as you swing back then down and right through impact.

Post impact, your hands will take care of themselves as the momentum of the club helps carry you around and up to a full finish.

This may be alien to you to start with so practise by making short backswings accompanied by a full follow through right up to the top. Do it slowly initially and focus on keeping your left wrist flat and your right wrist bent back through impact.

Brian Manzella

Here is the solution:

After you hit a good shot, where you probably ALSO re-gripped it some, be careful not to change your grip after the shot.


This is the grip you should START with!! [sergio ;)]
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