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Well, today I did it.

After a bunch of practice, and playing now for about a year and a half...

I shot under 80 for the first time, carding 75 at my home course from the blue tees (front 38, back 37). :D

Made 6 bogeys, 3 birdies, and the rest pars. Some of those bogeys should have been avoided, and I lipped out twice on birdie putts.

In any case, very happy. What a surge of confidence!

Had to share the excitement.
Good job, normally you would think the first time would be like 79 or something. You "shattered" that. Good job, I'm hoping I'll join you this summer as well.

PS How about sharing what got you there. Pattern, drills, lessons, etc.
Well, today I did it.

After a bunch of practice, and playing now for about a year and a half...

I shot under 80 for the first time, carding 75 at my home course from the blue tees (front 38, back 37). :D

Made 6 bogeys, 3 birdies, and the rest pars. Some of those bogeys should have been avoided, and I lipped out twice on birdie putts.

In any case, very happy. What a surge of confidence!

Had to share the excitement.


Congrats! The "first time" under those prescribed golf levels/barriers (90, 80, 70, etc) is always a big deal, and usually leads to better things.

Don't get too focused on the shots that got away though. Most guys forget about the 20 foot par saves while highlighting the 6 foot birdie miss. :) They all count and in your case they add up to 75.

Well played!

Three things have really improved my game lately...

1) Staying connected in the swing (tightening my pivot, not letting my arms run off all over the place, tucking shirt under left armpit)

2) Practicing my short game, especially chipping. I realized for me, I needed to mark my chipping clubs the same length as my putter (SW,PW,8,6 just marked on the grip) so that when chipping I could setup the same length every time. Then it is just a matter of picking the spot I want to land the ball at, and picking a club based on carry vs. roll required.

3) Playing smart. When the driver or 3 wood isn't working, I play long irons off the tee. 4 iron down the fairway about 200 yards every time (sometimes more down here in Texas). I also have started pacing off my approach shots so I know the exact yardage to the center of the green. Then I club up or down depending on pin, lie, wind, green design, etc. Most times here in Texas, better to roll it up than end up rolling it off.

Now if I could just get my woods under control...
Well, today I did it.

After a bunch of practice, and playing now for about a year and a half...

I shot under 80 for the first time, carding 75 at my home course from the blue tees (front 38, back 37). :D

Made 6 bogeys, 3 birdies, and the rest pars. Some of those bogeys should have been avoided, and I lipped out twice on birdie putts.

In any case, very happy. What a surge of confidence!

Had to share the excitement.

Congratulations. You are now in a very select club of recreational golfers. I'm not sure what the actual percentages are (I'm sure someone here does), but it is a small club in the big picture of golf. It means your long game is consistent and your short game is very good. I broke 80 about three years ago, started monkeying around with my swing and did not do it again till last year when I stuck with one pattern and ended up with four rounds in the seventies. I credit most of the rebound to Brian and spending about 70% of my practice on the short game. Breaking 90 makes golf more fun, but breaking 80 is really satisfying. Keep it up.
Congrats buddy...awesome, yeah you did shatter that. Tomorrow I play my first round ever,with only 11 clubs. Should be fun.

Great self control!

Now, take a deep breath and don't get too upset if you don't duplicate the feat the next time out. You are realizing your potential.

Stay humble (The Golf Gods are listening).
I'm currently looking for a used laser rangefinder. It's gonna be my next purchase for golf.

Right now, my "shoot low" approach is just getting the ball on the green. My putting can take care of if from there. As my iron play gets better, I'll start firing at flags, but right now, on the green is good by me!

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
I'm currently looking for a used laser rangefinder. It's gonna be my next purchase for golf.

Right now, my "shoot low" approach is just getting the ball on the green. My putting can take care of if from there. As my iron play gets better, I'll start firing at flags, but right now, on the green is good by me!

True, the above works well when the greens aren't very big but when the green is 15-25 yards deep it could be 1 or 2 club difference which also means a different level of accuracy.

Invest in a rangefinder, probably the best purchase i made in golf. Hard to find them used; i got a good deal on mine on Ebay. Maybe you may even be able to get one now due to the economy maybe someone will unload one cheap.
Congrats this is a major milestone in golf, and as another poster said, keep quiet or the golf gods will spite you. Only two men have battled with the gods, and lived to talk about it.

I'm spending like 85% of my time on the driver, and 15% on my approach shots. My goal is to never need a good short game! No worse than a chip and a putt for par. I want to completely eliminate shots that result in me needing to pitch the ball.
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