Find the junk

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Here's a "tip of the day" I received in my e-mail box. Does this sound like "junk" to you? There seems to be a few good nuggets but to me there's allot of "junk" in the e-mail. What do you guys think?

Here's a really good tip that may help you to get rid of your slice. Best of all, it's really pretty simple once you get the hang of it, and understand why it's being used.
Chances are that you have battled with a slice at some point in your golfing days. To be completely direct with you, dealing with a slice really sucks. It hurts your golf game in many more ways than one.

Luckily, it's fairly easy to fix. I cannot claim that this small tip will completely cure your slice, but there's a good chance that it will, and I hope it does.

When you come into the impact zone, there are really only 2 factors that can determine the "shape" of ball flight.

1. The angle of the club face at impact.

2. The Path the club is taking at impact.

You'd agree, that's really not that tough to understand. The tough part is explaining how to correct it, and keeping this e-mail short at the same time.

Anyway, here's a few things your should concentrate on.

Try to keep your leading shoulder "down" on the ball through impact. This is called staying strong through impact. Lots of times the leading shoulder (left shoulder if right handed) flies up before impact. Now just for a minute, think about what that does to the club head when it's in the impact zone.

Golf is all about thinking and analyzing your shots to get better. A huge part of this game is understanding "why" you're getting a certain result, and the physics behind that result. Thinking through your golf swing will provide huge dividends if you're willing to invest the time it takes.

Get up from the computer and actually go though the motions slowly. Let your leading shoulder fly up as you approach impact and you'll actually be able feel and see the clubface coming from an outside-in path. That causes a slice every time.

So what can you do to correct it? Well, for starters, try to learn to keep your leading shoulder strong. Keep that shoulder "Down" on the ball all the way through impact, even after the ball is gone and flying straight down the fairway. Here's an illustration of what I'm talking about.

As you can see, the leading shoulder is still down. The triangle is still there. Most importantly, my body has NOT gotten ahead of my hands. This is a HUGE distinction. As you may notice, the left shoulder is actually higher than the right shoulder. So what do I mean when I say "leading shoulder down"?

You have to envision yourself from the back looking down on the ball. When I say "down", I mean that the leading shoulder and chest are still facing the ball through impact.

So even though it may seem like the leading shoulder is higher than the trailing shoulder, it's still facing the ball at impact. NOT TOWARDS THIRD BASE in comparison to the ball. That would mean that you have let the leading shoulder fly up.

Hand action is huge in this game. You must learn to release your hands correctly through the ball. Meaning that you release the hands while the leading shoulder is still "down", or facing the ball.

If you are currently playing with the conventional swing method, it's really easy to let your body get ahead of the ball. One of the many things you will learn in "The PurePoint Golf Swing" is how to avoid that trap.

Keep the leading shoulder down and let your arms and hands release through the ball and you will see the ball go farther and higher. This will take a while to get used to.

The key is to let your arms release through the ball, while your left shoulder is "Down" on the ball. To do this you will need to rotate your forearms correctly, and use your leading ELBOW (not shoulder) as a hinge. So another way to explain this movement would be that your hands are still moving towards the target, but your leading elbow has almost stopped.

Another one would be to initiate the downswing with your arms. I'm sure that's the exact opposite of what you've heard before. Starting the downswing with the arms is a tough thing to do.

You want the ball to go the maximum possible distance. So subconsciously, many people have the problem of letting their body get way ahead of their hands. That's the number one slice-producing move among golfers today. It's probably the toughest one to fix, because when you're at the top of your backswing, all you can think about it crushing the ball.

Instead of thinking maximum distance, think minimize slice. Start the downswing with your arms. Get to the top of your backswing, and then the first move should be with the arms. Put this move together with keeping the leading shoulder down, and it will do wonders for both your woods and your irons.

If you look at any of the really good players, you will see that they actually initiate the downswing by "pulling" the club down with their arms. They do NOT start the downswing by twisting the chest towards the target. That is a very important distinction to make.
As always, please feel free to send an e-mail to

If you would like to get The "PurePoint Golf Swing" it comes with a 90-day money-back Guarantee. You WILL drop 7 strokes. You'll be learning tons of new techniques (like above) less than 5 minutes from now. Good Luck
personally, I dislike any tip that says start down with your arms, to me that does not allow centrifigul force to assist in the squaring of the club face,
squaring clubface

Why does centrifigul force square the clubface? Is there any proof whatsoever that is true? Is it independent of grip? Does it mean that if the ball doesn't go straight I interfered with centrifigul force? I have heard it but do not believe it. What is the physics or mechanics behind this that validates this?


shootin4par said:
personally, I dislike any tip that says start down with your arms, to me that does not allow centrifigul force to assist in the squaring of the club face,
davel said:
Why does centrifigul force square the clubface? Is there any proof whatsoever that is true? Is it independent of grip? Does it mean that if the ball doesn't go straight I interfered with centrifigul force? I have heard it but do not believe it. What is the physics or mechanics behind this that validates this?

if you notice I said centrifigul force can ASSIST, I did not say it does the squaring but rather it assist in squaring.
The pivot rotates the arms. Automatically. So if the orientation of the club in the hands is set correctly, one doesn't need DURING THE SWING to concern self with squaring the cf. It GETS squared by the pivot. Is this perhaps what the semantic issue really is in this point?
Perfect Impact said:
The pivot rotates the arms. Automatically. So if the orientation of the club in the hands is set correctly, one doesn't need DURING THE SWING to concern self with squaring the cf. It GETS squared by the pivot. Is this perhaps what the semantic issue really is in this point?
thanks for putting it in words. I also see it as this, if you pull the butt end down the target line, which is perscribed way too much, you will have to artificialy release the club, rather then allowing the rotattion of the body releasing it

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
The above tip does have some nuggets but it is written extremely poorly.

Information in the tip? C-
Communication of C- tips? F

you tell anyone left shoulder down and everyone WILL try and get their body ahead of the ball. Poor communicator and why golfers still are not very good.



It's the junk the majority of people love to get and teachers to teach.

"Hacking the ball straight, high and long", or in TGM's term "steering", is the ultimate cause of "slicing".

A reliable swing is all about establishing and maintaining the precision and eliminating or overcoming the intention interferring that of the swing.

The "effect" can only be fixed by the "cause".


C.F. and squaring

Centrifugal force squares the club face in a PURE swing, meaning you swing the clubhead WITHOUT manipulation.

The arms square the face, centrifugal force pulls the REAR arm straight, with a good grip, the straighting of the rear arm squares the face. However if you manipulate any at all, forget about it.

Jim, Edz, and Brian have made some real good comments about using centrifugal force.
In fact Brian made a very interesting statement that i would like explained if he ever has the time, he said something to the effect that the lead wrist bends in a pure swing (i took this to mean letting centrifugal force guide the alignments) , but he doesnt think many should try to use a pure swinging motion.
cdog said:
In fact Brian made a very interesting statement that i would like explained if he ever has the time, he said something to the effect that the lead wrist bends in a pure swing (i took this to mean letting centrifugal force guide the alignments) , but he doesnt think many should try to use a pure swinging motion.

If you add right arm thrust during release which you don't with a pure swing, your left wrist will bend sooner, e.g. Iron Byron.

Scroll to the bottom to see a nice animation of Iron Byron:
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Tong, i agree with your statement.
I was wondering why Brian doesnt think most should use a pure swinging technique.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
cdog said:
Tong, i agree with your statement.
I was wondering why Brian doesnt think most should use a pure swinging technique.

Because very few people can do it right. If there are a LIMITED # of pro swings who can do it, what chance does a mid-cap have?


Centrifugal Force" has b*gger all to do with squaring the clubface, pulling the (right) arms straight or any other quaint notion. Neither does the pivot cause the arms to square the clubface.

Centrifugal force is just the equal and opposite reactionary force to Centrepital Force and is only truely present in a golf stroke once an inline condition of both arms and golf club has been achieved.

As for the pivot, this operates on a separate and entirely disconnected plane to the arms - which do swing the golf club; the pivot DOES NOT.

If you address an imaginary golf ball, without a club in your hands, but with hands both palms together, and then make a backswing you will, without any conscious rotation of the wrists and/or forearms, find that the back of your right hand lays against the plane going back, in and up.

On the downswing, down, out, impact, in and up you will find, without any conscious rotation of the wrists and/or forearms, that the back of your left hand lays against the plane line in your follow through and up to a full finish.

The power in your golf stroke comes NOT from Centrifugal Force but from moving the lever assembly into an inline condition - nothing more and nothing less. The pivot does not cause this but it does allow the arms their full freedom of movement so that they can achieve this ideal via the uncocking of the left wrist and the straightening of the right arm.


Jim, thats a very interesting statement!

Pro's being at a VERY high level athleticlly, meaning excellent at body control and coordination, don't need to swing (used here meaning a pure C.F. swing),
because they can manipulate with excellent timing the majority of the time.

Manipulation has many meanings, but in a golf stroke would it's meaning be:"the action of touching and skillfull use of the hands" (this is one of many definitions i found googling manipulation).

Your statement would seem to be 180 degrees to what should be said, given the definition above.
Would a better statement be "The pro's dont need to pure swing but the avg mid caper should learn and use the pure swing BECAUSE they don't have to depend on manipulation to do the work, C.F. will do it for them." ?

Burner, i understand what your saying, and maybe the term C.F. is not used properly when we speak in a scientific enviroment.
I agree with your statement about the arms, and their relationship to the body during the swing. Your statement about moving the lever assembly to an inline condition to square the face is dead on, the discussion then moves to what moves or powers the lever assembly, and in particular the rear arm.

Tong, when you say it can cause some to flip when not done correctly, your talking about a form of manipulation again, an incorrect form, and thats my point, using a pure swing you dont have to manipulate at all!

Assuming a good grip (HUGE assumption, I'm sure 100% of the instructors here will tell you they give more lessons on grip than anything else), a half decent setup, if one simply swings with NO manipulation on plane, C.F. ( or what ever you want to call it) should and will take care of all proper alignments.
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